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June 30, 2022

USAID Gimbuka coordinates capacity building trainings to ‘Inshuti Z’ Umuryango’ in Karongi, Rubavu, Nyamasheke, Rusizi and Rutsiro districts

USAID Gimbuka coordinates capacity building trainings to ‘Inshuti Z’ Umuryango’ in Karongi, Rubavu, Nyamasheke, Rusizi and Rutsiro districts

To strengthen the capacity of IZU members in the USAID Gimbuka Program targeted districts and to improve the partnership with the program in preventing and supporting GBV victims through referrals and frontline support, USAID Gimbuka Program has organised and coordinated 4 days’ training sessions in partnership with Karongi, Rubavu, Nyamasheke, Rusizi and Rutsiro districts’ officials from May to June 2022.

Covering the following topics: ‘’Child Protection Laws and Policies; GBV (identification, referral and frontline support); HIV prevention and consistency in health services access; Community alert and legal aspects; Referral system for GBV cases and Disability inclusion’’, The trainings were conducted at different sites identified  by the program staff in collaboration with different sectors’ officials. IZU Coordinators at the sector levels in partner districts, ASSOC, RIB/MAJ, health facilities (ARV Nurses), and the program staff served as the training facilitators.

In a meeting that united USAID Gimbuka Program coordinators with partners including hospitals, districts and RIB representatives in the coverage area in March 2022, participants reiterated the need to strengthen the partnership in such a way even beyond the phase out of Gimbuka program, the community is better off in pursuing the referrals and support GBV victims while also pursuing its prevention. It is in this context that Gimbuka is planning to collaborate with the coverage districts’ officials to strengthen the capacity of IZU structure and local Government staff in charge of their supervision.

Gimbuka Program, is a USAID funded project implemented by Caritas Rwanda under USAID-Caritas Rwanda Cooperative Agreement since 2012 currently operates in the 5 districts above-mentioned, with a particular focus on either OVC infected and affected by HIV/AIDS or victims of GBV. Through these capacity building training sessions, USAID Gimbuka Program has trained 3224 IZU based in the 5 partner districts. The program trained  942 IZU from Rubavu district, 552 trainees from Rutsiro district, 536 were from Karongi district, 578 trainees from Nyamasheke district and 616 were from Rusizi district.

USAID Gimbuka and IZU’s partnership started in 2020, with the training of IZU members in the target area, where a total number of 4,774 IZU were trained on GBV, including the fight against abuse, reporting it and supporting survivors. The trainings served as an opportunity to the program to orient attendees on the USAID GIMBUKA case management model for linkages and referrals to different service providers as well as link them with the Gimbuka CMVs and CCLF for their complementarity in services provision to theGBV survivors.

1,083 survivors of GBV have been identified and involved in the program services by IZU while 4 new identified GBV cases were referred appropriately to Isange One Stop Centre for treatment and care and to RIB for justice. USAID Gimbuka appreciates the hard work and persistence of IZU to continue fighting against GBV and renews its commitment to keep on supporting IZU initiatives in the program’s coverage area.