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July 25, 2024

A team from Caritas Rwanda and Caritas Byumba staff members held a collaborative meeting to strategize on fundraising initiatives for Charity Month, the implementation of recommendations stemming from the 2023 Caritas Rwanda General Assembly, evaluation of Caritas Rwanda’s strategic plan 2020-2024, and to begin the process of developing a new strategic plan for 2025-2030.

In an effort to enhance Caritas’ visibility, it was agreed that Caritas Byumba will regularly write articles to be published in Caritas Rwanda’s annual magazine “CaritasContact” and in Kinyamateka (both online and in printed). Additionally, Caritas Byumba is actively engaged in programs on Radio Maria Rwanda, like other diocesan Caritas.

Still within the framework of Caritas’ visibility, this meeting returned to the recommendation of the General Assembly of Caritas Rwanda concerning the celebration of the Caritas Day and the Internation Day of the Poor where it was noted that many parishes celebrate these days on the same day due to lack of means. Both parties recalled that Caritas Day serves to acknowledge the dedication of volunteers and inspire young individuals to embrace the Caritas Spirit by engaging in voluntary work. On the other hand, the Day of the Poor, centers on 3 main activities namely: the celebration of mass with the poor, sharing meals with them and providing them with gifts, all in order to restore their dignity.

Caritas Byumba staff expressed their support for the recommendation to enhance assistance for integral human development, particularly focusing on young individuals. They noted that while Caritas is active in schools and universities, not all of them have established committees. In response, Caritas Byumba is currently facilitating the connection of volunteers with these educational institutions to conduct awareness campaigns on the values and mission of Caritas.

To successfully achieve the desired results for the Month of Charity, it was decided to conduct awareness-raising broadcasts on Radio Maria Rwanda, Pacis TV, and various other communication channels.

Regarding the mid-term evaluation of the planned activities for 2024 in the Department of Social Welfare, the staff at Caritas Byumba have indicated that they are currently in the process of collecting all the necessary reports to assess the progress made thus far. A meeting has been scheduled for August 12th and 13th, 2024, to review the implementation of the activities planned for January to June 2024.

Regarding the upcoming strategic plan for Caritas Rwanda 2025-2030, participants in the meeting suggested that it should align with the Government of Rwanda’s plan, as Christians are also citizens of the country. They emphasized the importance of a concise and easily understandable reporting framework for this plan.

Caritas Rwanda and Caritas Byumba staff paid a visit to the Home Sainte Thérèse de l’Enfant Jésus, a center that cares for vulnerable and disabled elderly people.

After the meeting, the team from Caritas Rwanda and Caritas Byumba paid a visit to the Home Sainte Thérèse de l’Enfant Jésus. a center that cares for vulnerable and disabled elderly people. During the visit, the residents of the center shared heartfelt testimonials, expressing their gratitude to the Caritas representatives for bringing messages of love and comfort. They conveyed that they have found love and compassion within the center, thanks to the dedicated care provided by the sisters of the Abizeramariya congregation.

July 18, 2024

Starting by 9th July 2024, Caritas Rwanda organized a 2-day workshop between its Development Department and the Development Coordinators from 10 diocesan Caritas. This workshop aims to evaluate the accomplishments made from January to June 2024, while also reflecting on the Caritas Rwanda strategic plan for 2020-2024.

In his opening remarks, Prosper Sebagenzi, the Programmes’ Director at Caritas Rwanda urged the development coordinators to redouble their efforts to assist the impoverished individuals around us to lift themselves out of poverty.

Prosper Sebagenzi emphasized that Caritas Rwanda’s new strategic plan will span a period of six years, from 2025 to 2030, aligning with the strategic plan of Caritas Internationalis. “This alignment will enable us to work in harmony with the global Caritas network towards achieving our shared goals”, he said.

Prosper Sebagenzi, the Director of Programmes of Caritas Rwanda, inaugurated the workshop of the coordinators of the Development Department.

The workshop was concluded by Father Oscar Kagimbura, the Secretary General of Caritas Rwanda. He revisited the theme of the Synod, “Walking Together”, urging all participants to strengthen the existing collaboration to ensure the dignity of the poor and vulnerable is respected. Just as the Church embodies this commitment, the Development department at both Caritas Rwanda and diocesan levels should also embrace this ethos of collaboration.

The Secretary General emphasized the importance of inclusivity, urging participants to ensure that no one is left behind or neglected. This would contradict Caritas’s mission of restoring dignity to those whose vulnerabilities have stripped it away. In addition, he called on Development department coordinators to focus on empowering the poor and vulnerable, with a clear goal of helping them become self-reliant rather than dependent on aid. Dignity entails taking responsibility for one’s own life.

Furthermore, the Development department should not only assist those facing adversity but also work towards addressing the root causes of vulnerability, he added.

Concerning the Caritas Rwanda Strategic plan 2020–2024 and the activities that were planned from January to June 2024, all were implemented even if it is not on the same level as many of the activities rely on external funds. The participants proposed following new interventions:

  1. Strengthen the Entrepreneurship Skills of Youth to Make Them Job Creators;
  2. Promote Youth Effective Participation in Gainful Agriculture;
  3. Promote Vocational Training, Internship, and Apprenticeship Among Youth;
  4. Contribute to the Electrification in Rural Areas Through Off-Grid Solutions and Building or Rehabilitating Water Channels.

This workshop also was an occasion of introducing the participant coordinators to Data Protection, Gender Equality, and Social Inclusion. They learned how to effectively use and protect beneficiary data, while also ensuring inclusivity and addressing gender-specific needs in all interventions.

July 12, 2024
July 12, 2024

The Tubeho Neza Aheza project, which aims to promote a decent life and equality in a healthy environment in Rwanda, was officially launched on July 5, 2024, by Pascasie Umuhoza, the Vice Mayor of Karongi District responsible for Social Affairs.

This project is funded by Caritas Slovenia and the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will be implemented by Caritas Nyundo/Kibuye in coordination with Caritas Rwanda. The Tubeho Neza Aheza project aims to tackle challenges related to access to natural and financial resources and reduce gender inequality and gender-based violence (GBV), with a focus on women and girls in 1,595 impoverished households from the Rugabano, Gashari, Rwankuba, and Mutuntu sectors.

The event commenced with a brief prayer led by Father Elie Hatangimbabazi, the Director of Caritas Nyundo/Kibuye, who also delivered welcoming remarks. Following the prayer, a presentation was given on the new project. The presentation outlined key activities that will be implemented across six main results, including:

  1. Enhancing sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural practices to increase the production of nutrient-rich food for the most vulnerable individuals;
  2. Raising awareness on environmental protection and providing better access to equipment and materials that promote the sustainable use of natural resources, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions;
  3. Efficiently utilizing and monitoring available water resources, improving drinking water supply, sanitation, hygiene and field irrigation;
  4. Enhancing the capacities and skills of vulnerable individuals and authorities to monitor and utilize natural resources effectively for income-generation;
  5. Providing vulnerable adults and young people, particularly women and girls, with improved access to financial resources to contribute to the family budget;
  6. Enhancing knowledge and response to gender-based violence (GBV) and other forms of violence, as well as resolving conflicts through non-violent communication.

After the presentation detailing the project’s goal of empowering vulnerable individuals and communities to achieve self-sufficiency, environmental consciousness, and resilience in the face of challenges, a discussion was opened for further clarification and advice.

During this event, Vice Mayor Pascasie Umuhoza expressed her appreciation for the project’s contribution to improving the lives of beneficiaries through its planned activities. She extended her gratitude to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, Caritas Slovenia, Caritas Rwanda, and Caritas Nyundo Kibuye for their past contributions, which have significantly enhanced the lives of the people in Karongi District. She also pledged their continued collaboration throughout the implementation of this project.

Pascasie Umuhoza, Karongi District Vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs inaugurated the Tubeho Neza Aheza Project.

The event was attended by various key figures including the district Agronomist, representatives from four sectors (Rugabano, Gashari, Mutuntu, and Rwankuba), Parish priests from Birambo, Mubuga, Nyange, Mukungu, and Gisovu Parishes, as well as representatives from the Soeurs Fille de la Charité, including one from Slovenia.

Also in attendance were Father Elie Hatangimbabazi, the Director of Caritas Nyundo Kibuye, the Coordinator of the Development Department of Caritas Nyundo Kibuye, and the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Officer (Caritas Nyundo-Kibuye) and the Tubeho Neza Aheza Project staff members.

July 3, 2024

In order to raise awareness about the significance of early HIV diagnosis, adherence to treatment, viral load suppression, and combating stigma and discrimination among adolescents in secondary schools, Caritas Rwanda conducted an awareness campaign calling the Karongi District in school students to do HIV voluntary testing, on 27 and 28 June 2024.

The message was conveyed through football matches, drama, debates and poetry by students from the following schools: Groupe Scolaire Saint Michel (Mubuga Sector), Groupe Scolaire Saint Nicolas (Bwishyura Sector), Groupe Scolaire Saint Joseph Birambo (Gashali Sector) and Ecole secondaire TSS Ngoma (Rugabano Sector).

Caritas Rwanda staff involved in this activity encouraged these young people to get tested for HIV accompanied by their parents for those under 18, in order to know their status, and to take ARV immediately in case the test turns out to be positive. The messages also focused on sexual abstinence, the fight against discrimination and stigma against HIV positive people.

Jeanne Manirareba, one of the Caritas Rwanda’s staff, delivering the day’s message at the Karora football pitch.

During the football matches, the Groupe Scolaire Saint Nicholas emerged victorious with a score of 3-0 against the Groupe Scolaire Saint Michel, at the Karora football pitch on 27/06/2024. On the next day, at the Birambo football pitch, the Groupe Scolaire Saint Joseph Birambo won with a score of 7 against 0 of Ecole Secondaire TSS Ngoma. The winning teams received a trophy and a football ball.

On this occasion, there was a debate presented by the anti-AIDS club of the Group Scolaire Saint Joseph Birambo, with the following theme: “abstinence is the safest way to prevent HIV among young people”. It was the affirmative camp that won.

This campaign is part of the Faith Initiative Project funded by Caritas Internationalis through the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). It is implemented in four countries namely: Ivory Coast, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.

July 2, 2024
July 2, 2024

The Catholic Church Health Services National Coordination Meeting was held in Karongi from June 19 to 21, 2024. The primary goal of this meeting was to assess the progress of the Caritas Rwanda Strategic Plan 2020-2024 / Health and develop new health strategies to be included in the upcoming strategic plan for2025-2030.

During the meeting, participants also reviewed the recommendations from the 2023 Caritas Rwanda General Assembly for the Health Department. They discussed the advancements made in various Community-based Health Projects such as Gikuriro Kuri Bose, RBF Malaria, RBF Enabel, ECD, Hepatitis B Birth Dose, and Faith Initiative. Additionally, there were brainstorming sessions on enhancing collaboration between the Episcopal Commission for Pastoral Health and the Catholic Church Health Services.

In his opening speech, His Excellency Bishop Anaclet Mwumvaneza, the Bishop of Nyundo Diocese and President of Caritas Rwanda, highlighted the Catholic Church’s commitment to improving the health of Rwandan citizens through its 10 hospitals and 110 health centers. He emphasized the cooperation agreement between the Catholic Church and the Ministry of Health, stating that the Church’s mission in health care is rooted in promoting human health without discrimination.

His Excellency Bishop Anaclet Mwumvaneza, Bishop of Nyundo Diocese and President of Caritas Rwanda, inaugurated the meeting.

Donatien Bajyanama, who represented the Ministry of Health, in his speech, said that this meeting was organized on time because in June 2024, the Government of Rwanda will close the Fourth Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSB4) and the National Strategy for Transformation in its first phase (NST1), and then start the new ones, where unrealized activities will be prioritized.

Mr. Bajyanama also announced to the participants that a bonus would be given to health professionals working in the most remote areas as a way to motivate them. He stated, “The specific amount of these bonuses will soon be disclosed to the remote health centers.” In response to inquiries about old buildings, he assured that efforts would be made to collaborate on their renovation. Additionally, he suggested that the Catholic Church should prioritize renovation projects for old buildings, especially if government funding becomes available.

In the discussion regarding the collaboration between the Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral of Healthcare and Catholic Church health services, Father Senani Callixte, the commission secretary, emphasized the importance of providing spiritual and moral support to patients, their families, and medical staff. It was agreed that all hospitals and health centers affiliated with the Catholic Church should have chapels. For those facilities that do not currently have chapels, it was recommended that a designated room be made available for individuals to pray and seek solace. This initiative aims to ensure that individuals in hospitals and health centers have access to spiritual guidance and support during times of need.

On the question of the health commission members in Catholic Church hospitals, it was agreed that the composition should be evenly split between members from the Church and those from outside. However, the current ratio is 40% from the Church and 60% from outside, which does not align with the agreed-upon 50/50 split.

Mr. Donatien Bajyanama suggested that the representative of the hospital owner should no longer be part of the hospital management committee to prevent interference in the higher committee. However, participants requested that this position be reinstated, with the specification that it would be filled by the chaplain.

Mr. Donatien Bajyanama, who represented the Ministry of Health in this meeting.

In terms of family educators, it was decided that individuals at the parish level will be selected based on their interest in the role and will receive training accordingly.

Furthermore, the meeting reviewed the recommendations from the 2023 General Assembly of Caritas Rwanda and noted that they are being implemented as necessary.

The representatives of the Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB) made a presentation on the updates on the current status of receivables and payment terms for Mutuelle de santé invoices by RSSB. The participants showed their interest in this information by asking many questions, which made them understand that payments are delayed because the documents do not meet the required conditions.

The participants during the meeting.

During this conference, there were also presentations on the achievements of different community health projects (Gikuriro Kuri Bose, RBF Malaria, RBF Enabel, ECD, Hepatitis B Birth Dose and Faith Initiative), as well as a short training on data protection.

After reviewing the implementation of the Caritas Rwanda 2020-2024 strategic plan/health, which has been well implemented, the participants reflected on the points that will be the basis of a new Caritas Rwanda 2025-2030 strategic plan.

June 14, 2024

After one year of savings, 48 ​​Savings and Internal Lending Community groups (SILC groups) made up by 944 participants of the Graduation Project funded by UNHCR have shared Rwf 285,519,800 on June 5, 2024. The amount includes 225,149,230 Rwf in savings and 60,370,570 Rwf in interest. These SILC groups are now transitioning into cooperatives to become more empowered and self-reliant.

One of the Graduation Project participants, Azabe Sosthène, testified that he and his family had lived in extreme poverty prior to being identified by this project, so that there was a time when he left the camp to seek for work as a mason’s assistant in Bugesera district, where he spent two months and lost 10 kilograms. However, his life took a turn for the better once he received the training and financial support from the Graduation Project.  “Thus, I invested the received cash grant of 800,000 Rwf in selling honey, sesame, olive oil, etc. I buy them in Kigali to resell them in the camp. Recently, we closed the savings year, and I found that I had saved up to 600,000 Rwf, which generated a profit of Rwf 185,000”, said Sosthène.

Sosthène Azabe, one of the Graduation Project, invested the received cash grant in selling honey, sesame and Olive oil.

As for Solange Umukiza, one of the project participants from the Mahama camp host community, stated that even though she studied veterinary in high school, she remained jobless for a long time and when she got a job the salary was insufficient to provide for her family. After receiving the cash grant from the Graduation Project, Solange opened a veterinary pharmacy. For this year, she saved 655,500 Rwf and her pharmacy business is flourishing. Together with her other 19 SILC group members have created a maize farming cooperative and have already deposited 510,000 Rwf on their bank account.

During the share out event, the 48 SILC groups’ members were reminded that the graduation model followed by the Graduation Project has a duration of three years, during which the project trains the participant, provides him/her cash grant and continues to advise him/her on income-generating activity as well as SILC groups activities. After three years you are no longer begging. You don’t ever wonder how you are going to survive? You don’t you say what else are they going to give me? Instead, in three years we look forward for an employer. Who is self-reliant and hires others, said Samuel Bigirimana, the UNHCR Community Protection Associate in Mahama refugee camp.

Mukandayisenga Janvière, the Vice Mayor of Kirehe District in charge of Social Affairs, said that there are many non-governmental organizations or projects that provide financial support or any other assistance to participants to help them get out poverty, but who don’t but don’t continue to do the follow-up. “We thank Caritas Rwanda through its Graduation Project. We appreciate you for providing the financial support, but also helping the project participants to create the Saving and Internal Lending Community Groups. That is why they are successful. If people didn’t form saving groups, we wouldn’t celebrate these achievements, said the Deputy Mayor.

Janvière Mukandayisenga, Madam Vice-Mayor of Kirehe District in charge of Social Affairs, thanked Caritas Rwanda for the financial support and the establishment of savings and internal lending community groups for beneficiaries.

In his closing speech, Father Emmanuel Nteziryayo, the Kiyanzi parish priest, asked everyone to work hard to develop economically, but not to forget God. “The two must go hand in hand. Saint Benedict, the patriarch of the monks, used to tell them: pray and work, because God must be put first in everything you do”, stressed Father Emmanuel Nteziryayo.

The SILC group that saved the most is Abadahigwa Saruhembe, who shared 11,64,800 Rwf. This group is made up of Rwandans, members of the host community in Mahama camp. The first SILC group in Mahama camp is Ejoheza Mahama V15, and it shared 8,443,000 Rwf. The group member who saved the most is Etane Jean Bosco (Rwandan), who saved 1,242,250 Rwf within one year and his fruit selling business is also flourishing. The smallest savings for this year was Rwf 180,000.

This is the second year that the SILC groups assisted by the Graduation Project in Mahama camp and its host community have shared their savings. Some are in their second year of saving, while for others it is the first year. The savings made during two years are 395,000,000 Rwf.

Among the 944 members of the 48 groups, there are 669 Burundian and Congolese refugees (regrouped into 36 groups) and 287 Rwandan members of the host community (12 groups).

June 13, 2024

Through its ECD project funded by Plan International Rwanda, Caritas Rwanda along with other partners, joined the Bugesera district to celebrate the ECD day on 27th May 2024. This event took place in the Kamabuye sector and marked the end of the ECD week that began on 20th May 2024).

The ECD Week in Bugesera district was centered around the theme “Isibo, the solid foundation of early childhood development.” Throughout the week, a variety of activities took place, such as measuring children’s weight and height, collecting food for their nourishment, raising awareness on hygiene, sanitation, and health practices, educating parents on the importance of clean water, teaching parents how to prepare balanced meals for their families, and promoting positive parenting techniques.

In her address, Mrs. Yvette Imanishimwe, Vice Mayor of Bugesera District in charge of Social Affairs, highlighted the importance of addressing malnutrition among children. As for her, during the ECD week, out of the 1,756 children assessed, 99 were found to be suffering from malnutrition. Of these, 79 were identified as not severely malnourished (marked in yellow) and were immediately enrolled in the community kitchens within the villages (Igikoni cy’Umudugudu) to receive nutritious meals. The remaining 20 children were diagnosed with acute malnutrition and are now under the care of paediatricians who provide daily check-ups and ensure they are receiving a balanced diet until they fully recover.

Mrs. Yvette Imanishimwe, the Vice-Mayor in charge of Social Affairs, addressing the participants during the ECD Day Celebration 2024.

Alphonsine Mukantwari, a home-based ECD caregiver supported by Caritas Rwanda’s ECD Project, shared her experience of how parents assist in caring for children while adhering to the six pillars of ECD: Nutrition, Health, WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), Parenting Education, School Readiness, and Child Protection and Inclusiveness. She expressed gratitude to local authorities and partners such as Caritas Rwanda and Plan International Rwanda for their support in home-based ECD. Alphonsine urged all parents with children under 6 to enroll them in ECD programs, emphasizing the numerous benefits they provide.

During the event, winners of the competition for role model fathers were presented with bags and registers to help them continue to encourage other men to participate in nurturing care tasks. Robert Sengarama, the ECD and Education Program Manager at Plan International Rwanda, emphasized the importance of ECD and the need to raise awareness among parents of children under 6 who have not yet enrolled their children in ECD programs.

The winners of the competition for role model fathers were presented with bags and registers to help them continue to encourage other men to participate in nurturing care tasks.

Sengarama highlighted the benefits of ECDs and stressed the significance of celebrating ECD Day to promote the well-being of young children. He also pointed out the lack of play areas in home-based ECDs, “In collaboration with Caritas Rwanda, we conducted various field visits in home-based ECDs and discovered that children do not have access to entertainment. A child learns a lot through playing activities. By using toys, the kid’s brain is stimulated”, he said. As a response, Caritas Rwanda, with support from Plan International Rwanda, distributed various brain-stimulating toys and games to children in the 20 home-based ECDs supported by the ECD Project in Bugesera district.

The Director General of the National Child Development Agency (NCDA), Mrs. Assumpta Ingabire, was the guest of honour at the ceremony. She explained that the ECD program was established by His Excellency, President Paul Kagame of the Republic of Rwanda in 2006. This initiative was born out of the realization that a significant number of Rwandan children suffer from stunted growth and lack access to quality education.

In her speech, Mrs. Assumpta Ingabire, the Director General of NCDA emphasized the importance of ECD caregivers and parents in enhancing the quality of home-based ECD services.

Mrs. Assumpta emphasized the importance of ECD caregivers and parents in enhancing the quality of home-based ECD services. She urged parents with children under the age of 6 to take advantage of these services. Mrs. Assumpta highlighted the transformative impact of proper child care, stating that a well-cared-for child grows into a responsible citizen who contributes positively to the development of the nation.

As was outlined at this event, there are 1,625 ECDs in the Bugesera district with 57,303 children. Among them, 1,160 (ECDs) are based in family houses (23,161 children). With funding from Plan International Rwanda, Caritas Rwanda’s ECD Project supports 20 of them in the Bugesera district.

June 5, 2024

To enhance the identification, linkage to treatment, retention in care, and viral load suppression among children, midwives, and staff responsible for HIV Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) at Catholic-based health facilities in Karongi District, a two-day training on Pediatric HIV was held from May 30th to May 31, 2024. Karongi District was chosen for its high HIV testing positivity rate, ranging between 2.84% and 3.66% (source: HIMS July 2022-June 2023[1]).

This training was part of the Faith Initiative Project funded by Caritas Internationalis through the PEPFAR fund. It took place at Home Saint Jean Hotel and focused on three key pillars:

  1. Raising awareness to combat stigma and discrimination;
  2. Preventing Mother-to-Child HIV transmission;
  3. Enhancing screening, care, and linkage to treatment.

Following the training, healthcare workers were advised to promote early diagnosis, ensure linkage to care, provide adherence support, strengthen healthcare systems, foster community engagement, and uphold a political commitment, particularly at health facilities and various community gatherings (Inteko z’abaturage), parents’ meetings (Umugoroba w’ababyeyi), etc. They will also conduct targeted awareness campaigns featuring voluntary HIV testing and household visits, with a special emphasis on encouraging men to support their partners during the eight antenatal care visits.

The Health Care Workers working in group to elaborate the field visit schedule.

Previously, the religious leaders from Karongi District underwent training on Pediatric HIV and the CaritasCare Mobile Application from April 23rd to April 25th, 2024. This training aimed to equip them to raise awareness against HIV-related stigma and discrimination, collect and report data using the CaritasCare mobile application, identify undiagnosed children at the community level, and facilitate their screening and treatment at health facilities as part of their daily responsibilities.

Furthermore, on May 23, 2024, Caritas Rwanda’s Health Department Team engaged with local authorities in Karongi District to emphasize their critical role and contribution in increasing the screening of children living with HIV and linking them with healthcare facilities for treatment. This collaborative effort also involves close cooperation with religious leaders and healthcare workers within this framework.

The Faith Initiative Project is currently being implemented in four countries: Nigeria, Ivory Coast, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Rwanda.


[1] https://www.rbc.gov.rw/fileadmin/user_upload/report23/HIV%20Annual%20report%202022%20-2023.pdf – page 13

May 27, 2024

As part of the program impact assessment, the USAID Rwanda team, along with Rubavu District educational officials, visited Igire-Gimbuka interventions in Rubavu on May 21 and 22, 2024. The visit included observing children who are supported in pursuing the TVET program at Vision Jeunesse Nouvelle Vocational Training Center, as well as children involved in the CBIM club at G.S. Shwemu II.

Addressing the children who are currently pursuing their vocational training at the Vision Jeunesse Nouvelle Centre, Mupenzi Pacifique, the Director of Education in Rubavu District, said that vocational trainings are very important because you don’t necessarily have to apply for a job, but you can create your own job or business. He encouraged them to resume their studies if they want to increase their chances in the job market.

Previously (on May 20), the USAID Rwanda team conducted a Site Improvement through Monitoring System (SIMS) and Data Quality Assessment (DQA) at Igire-Gimbuka’s Rubavu site. Hence, the Igire-Gimbuka scored 100% (green) in the Rubavu sector where the SIMS was conducted.

USAID Rwanda team and Rubavu District educational officials’ visit to children (supported by the Igire-Gimbuka) who are in pursuing the TVET program at Vision Jeunesse Nouvelle Vocational Training Center.

To strengthen the economic resilience of program participants, the Igire-Gimbuka created and supported community-based saving groups. Duharaniramahoro, one of these saving groups that engages in raising and selling 1-month-old chicks as a collective income-generating activity was visited by the USAID Rwanda team and Rubavu District local leaders on 22nd May. The group members were congratulated by the visitors for creating income-generating activities and encouraged them to form a cooperative.

Visitors had the opportunity to meet with volunteers and the Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) supported by the Igire-Gimbuka Program. They learned about the various ways in which these volunteers support the participants of the program, including home visit practices, adherence, and supporting viral load monitoring and suppression. Additionally, visitors engaged with the leadership of Kigufi Health Center to gain insight into collaboration, referrals, and linkages.

One of the OVCs shared her journey of starting anti-viral medication when she had a high viral load. Initially, she visited the health facility monthly to receive ARV drugs, with transportation costs of Rwf 1000 covered by the Igire-Gimbuka Program. However, she later learned that friends receiving medication every three months were given a higher transportation allowance of Frw 3000. This motivated her to adhere to her medication schedule, leading to a significant decrease in her viral load. As a result, she transitioned to receiving medication every three months, improving her health and overall well-being.

USAID Rwanda team and Rubavu District educational officials’ visit to children involved in the CBIM club at G.S. Shwemu II.

This girl also appreciated the Igire-Gimbuka because apart from helping her to improve her health, the program also helped her to accomplish sewing training and provided her with a sewing machine, which helped her to start a tailoring business.

During this site visit, the guests advised the volunteers to continue serving the program participants with zeal, even after the closing of the Igire-Gimbuka program.

Meeting of USAID Rwanda team, Rubavu District educational officials and volunteers.

They were also requested to report accurate statistics in their reports because they provide information on program participants’ health status and therefore provide them with the assistance they need.

May 20, 2024

On 17th May 2024, CaritasRwanda Management Team and staff gathered to honour the former Caritas Rwanda staff who lost their lives in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. The commemoration included a requiem Holy Mass, the laying of wreaths at the Kigali Genocide Memorial and the sharing of messages of hope and testimonies.

Seven employees of Caritas Rwanda who were killed during the Genocide against the Tutsi in 1994 are Rugangura Alphonse, Niyibizi Léopold, Beneyezu Eugène, Karangwa Claver, Bunangwa Eugène, Seromba Raphaël and Nyirababiri Joséphine. In addition to Caritas Rwanda management team and staff, the memorial ceremony was attended by the families of the victims and representatives of various invited institutions.

After the celebration of a requiem mass (at the Lavigerie Missionary Center) presided over by Father Kayisabe Védaste, Secretary General of the Episcopal Conference of Rwanda, the participants visited the Kigali Genocide Memorial where they were explained the history of Jenoside perpetrated against the Tutsi in 1994 (before, during and after its occurrence). They also paid tribute to those killed during the Genocide against the Tutsis in 1994 and laid wreaths on the graves of those who rest at the Kigali Genocide Memorial.

The commemoration of former Caritas Rwanda staff who lost their lives in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi started by the celebration of a requiem mass.

In his speech at the Kigali Genocide Memorial, the Secretary General of Caritas Rwanda, Father Oscar Kagimbura, said that this commemoration aimed to remind everyone of their responsibility to value human life. “Life is a gift from God, no one has the right to take it away from their neighbor”, he added.

During the speeches and testimonies time, Mwanangu Juvénal, one of the employees of Caritas Rwanda, testified that Caritas Rwanda offered him a job when he had taken refuge in Kigali from Ruhengeri (his natal province at that time), also offering him a new family. He added that the period preceding the Genocide against the Tutsi in 1994 was not easy, and shared his memories about his Caritas Rwanda colleagues who perished in the Genocide against the Tutsi in 1994.

Niyibizi Albert, who delivered the speech on behalf of the families of Caritas Rwanda employees perished in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, thanked Caritas Rwanda for involving them in the commemoration of their late beloved ones, adding that although the families and the Country lost people and property because of the Genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in 1994, today life offers hope.

Hamudu Safari, president of Ibuka in Nyarugenge district, commended Caritas Rwanda for its non-discriminatory love, saying he witnesses it as Caritas Rwanda offered a job to his muslim father. Hamidu also talked about the contribution of Caritas Rwanda to the reconstruction of Rwanda after the Genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in 1994: “Caritas was the first to rescue the survivors of the genocide. Although I don’t have the actual statistics, Caritas has helped orphans, widows, paid children’s school fees, etc. I am one of those to whom Caritas supported through the work offered to my father in difficult times, which allowed him to pay for our studies, and now we have become men thanks to Caritas.” 

A group photo of the Caritas Rwanda’s management team and staff, the family members of the former Caritas Rwanda staff perished in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, and other guests.

In his message, Father Kayisabe Védaste recalled that it is easier to do good than to do evil. “Which is easy, between to kill or not to kill? We are here to learn. We must learn from our history,” he said. Father Kayisabe thanked Caritas Rwanda for organizing this memorial event, as well as all the participants, in particular the families of Caritas Rwanda employees who perished in the Genocide against the Tutsi in 1994, reminding them that Caritas always carries them in its heart.

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