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June 5, 2023

Rutsiro: GBV clinics have positively changed relationships between teenage mothers and their families

From 31st May to 1st June 2023, Caritas Rwanda through the Igire Gimbuka Program funded by PEPFAR (through the USAID), met with 31 teenage mothers from the Rutsiro District to assess the impact of the GBV clinics held in December 2022. The teen mothers testified that members of their families no longer harass them.

During the individual discussions, the teen mothers who have expressed an interest in returning to school and whose parents agreed to look after their kids have been identified, and the Program will ensure of enrolling them in secondary schools and TVET and will provide them with school materials to resume their studies in September 2023.

The Igire-Gimbuka Mental Health Psycho-Social Support Specialist discussing with one of the teen mother.

In December 2022, 89 teenage mothers from Rutsiro (39) and Nyamasheke (50) Districts accompanied by their parents participated in the two GBV clinics organized by Caritas Rwanda through its Igire-Gimbuka Program. For three days, they benefited from various services, including psycho-social support with their parents, voluntary HIV testing, help in formulating new complaints and accessing national civil status services (birth registration), measuring the weight and height of their children, to provide advice to teenage mothers if the measurements were not satisfactory.

The weight and height of the children were measured, to provide advice to teenage mothers if the measurements were not satisfactory.

After participating in the GBV clinics, 25 teen mothers received 150,000 Frw each to create income-generating activities (most of them in agriculture and small businesses), and the Program will continue to provide financial support for other teen moms in need. In May, 11 of the teen mothers started vocational training (TVET) after their parents agreed to take care of the children.

On May 31 and June 1, 2023, the Igire Gimbuka staff in charge of Gender and the in charge of Mental Health and Psycho-Social Support met 31 adolescent mothers from Rutsiro who had participated in GBV clinics in December 2022, to measure whether they (GBV clinics) have had a positive impact in the lives of teenage mothers and their families.

As one of the outcomes of the GBV clinics, the discussions with teenage mothers (one on one) demonstrated that the GBV clinics positively changed the relationships between teen moms and their families. The family members no longer harass them and the teen moms affirmed that they are grateful for that. In addition, those who have received financial support are using it effectively and earning money.