After three years of implementation, The PRM/PAC Project that was implemented by Caritas Rwanda since August 2021 under coordination of World Vision Rwanda coordination was closed out on 23rd July 2024 in Nyabiheke Refugee Camp.
The PRM/PAC project focused on four main pillars: social protection, livelihoods, financial inclusion, and social inclusion. It aimed to assist 800 households, comprising 550 households from the Nyabiheke Refugee Camp and 250 from the host community by utilizing the graduation approach.
As achievements, the PRM/PAC Project has established 27 saving groups with 768 participants. Out of the 800 targeted households, 768 were trained and received cash grants, while 47 young individuals were supported in the TVET Program, with 95% of them successfully implementing their income-generating activities. 65 Households including 25 refugees and 40 Rwandans received consumption fee.
From April 2023 to March 2024, the 27 saving groups shared 97,193,690 Rwf including 11,386,984 Rwf of interest. Every SILC Group has been linked with the financial institution for bank account opening.
One of the PRM/PAC project participants, Espérance Ahadi, testified that she received training and a cash grant of Frw 800,000, which allowed her to open a shop. Currently, she has 3,500,000 Frw in capital. “At the times, we started the saving groups, we used to save 200 Frw on weekly basis, but now we save from 6,000 up to Frw10,000 Frw”, she said.

Another project participant, Jean De Dieu Habarukize who’s running an agricultural project, said that he made 4,000,000 Frw from the harvest of his Cayenne planted. Later he also grew vegetables including cucumbers and green beans. Jean De Dieu says that the support he received has changed his life: “I have now built a beautiful house, a suitable house for a PAC partner”, he added.
Various speeches of the guests returned to the graduation approach utilized by the PRM/PAC project, reminding the participants that the project goal was to help them becoming self-reliant and encouraged them to continue in this way and they are asked to continue in this way by working together in saving groups.
Addressing the participants, the Secretary General of Caritas Rwanda, Father Oscar Kagimbura, thanked the various partners who contributed to the implementation of the PRM/PAC Project. In addition, Father Oscar explained to the participants that Caritas meand “love” and that even though this project is over, Caritas will remain, because it is operational even at the basic ecclesial community level.

Additionally, the Caritas Rwanda Secretary General encouraged participants in similar income-generating activities to form cooperatives and collaborate with financial institutions. “From district authorities to village level, representatives of security organs, please, be close to these participants, help them join cooperatives”, he urged everyone, emphasizing the need of keeping an eye on the achievements.
Nzayisenga Gilbert, who represented the Mayor of Gatsibo District, thanked the project participants who started providing jobs and assured them that the local government would keep an eye on their progress to ensure they don’t run into deficits, particularly since they have a list of individuals who received financial grants.

By mutual agreement, Caritas Rwanda and World Vision Rwanda have given 27 project volunteers the bicycles they used to facilitate their daily work. At the end of the event, participants visited exhibition stands and engaged with participants.