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July 31, 2023

Mahama: 10 SILCs groups supported by Caritas Rwanda’s Graduation project saved more than 58 million Frw

10 Savings and Lending Community groups (SILC), supported by the Graduation Project, a UNHCR-funded project and implemented by Caritas Rwanda, have shared their savings worth 58,856,000 Frw on July 27, 2023. These groups regroup 200 members including refugees from Mahama Camp and members of the host community from Kirehe District. This event held in Mahama Refugee Camp.

The Mahama Camp Manager, André Vuganeza, congratulated the members of the SILC groups as they managed to save a lot of money which will help them to develop by increasing their capital, but reminded them that they must continue in this direction by avoiding misusing money, drunkenness and other bad habits that can stack their development.

He said he was pleased with the good relationship between the refugees and members of the host community. “They cultivate together and no one steals other people’s crops. There is something to be proud of”, he said.

The other guests’ messages also turned around thanking the saving groups for their outstanding act of saving Frw 58,860,000 but reminded that they still have a long way to go as progress is made day by day.

Manzi Murenzi Vincent, the Executive Secretary of Mahama Sector, reminded the members of these savings groups that they should work hard for a better future. He reminded them that they no longer need help because they have taken a step forward in gaining their financial autonomy compared to the time when they had not yet started their income generating activities. Referring to the culture of savings, Murenzi Manzi Vincent said: “Spend very little and save a lot more, so you can better build your future”.

Manzi Murenzi Vincent, the Executive Secretary of Mahama Sector, addressing the participants.

Testimonials of the day

Musoni Innocent, one of the Graduation project beneficiaries and the Mahama camp host community member received the agricultural training and a financial support of Frw 800,000 in April 2022. He is a member of the Icyerekezo Kampombo savings groups. After receiving the financial support, he started growing vegetables which is profitable for him. His capital today worth Frw 2,500,000.

Musoni says that before being helped by the Graduation project, he he used to grow vegetables on a small area and the business was not profitable. But, after the training, he grew the vegetables following the learned techniques and earned a lot of money. He currently cultivates on one hectare of land in a valley, rented at Frw 350,000 per year. “Today, they are offering me Frw 400,000 for the cabbages I planted and Frw 1,900, 000 for the onions”.

Musoni Innocent, one of the beneficiaries of the Graduation project, grows vegetables, which has enabled him to develop economically.

Another beneficiary whose name is Ndayarinze Marie Louise said that she received the training and a financial assistance of Frw 800,000 and started producing plastic baskets. She sells them and makes money, and has started to train those other youths who pay back. She has already participated in three exhibitions.

During this event, the guests toured different income-generating activities of some members of the savings groups. There were business owners, craftsmen/women and various service providers.

The first group, called Icyerekezo cy’Iterambere Kamombo, regrouping 20 host community members saved Frw 8,556,650. The second is called Twiyunge Duhindurubuzima, regrouping 19 refugees, which saved Frw 8,386,100. The third saved Frw 6,979,700. All these 3 first groups received the award of appreciation.

Presentation of the appreciation award to the first group Icyerekezo cy’Iterambere Kamombo.

The groups that have shared their savings are 10 from last year. For this year, the Graduation Project has created 36 other savings groups.