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June 16, 2023

Gatsibo: Caritas Rwanda, Plan International Rwanda and Gatsibo District conducted a joint field visit to home based ECDs supported by the ECD Project

On 12th and 13th June 2023, Caritas Rwanda, Plan International Rwanda and Gatsibo District conducted a joint field visit in Kabarore, Rwimbogo, Kiziguro and Murambi home based ECDs supported by the ECD Project, in order (i) to collect the feedback from the beneficiaries and caregivers; and inform the project implementation.

The joint field visit had also the following objectives: (ii) to identify challenges encountered and jointly find solutions, and (iii) to facilitate the smooth collaboration between local leaders and the field staff.

In general, the ECDs visited were found to be effective but not on the same level. The home based ECDs with children that meet less than 3 times a week were advised to meet at least 3 times a week to ensure the holistic development of the children. As the children need to be fed while they are in the ECD, the parents were encouraged to contribute for the porridge in partnership with the ECD Project.

During this joint field visit, “Tumurere” home based ECD located in Rwimbogo Sector was appreciated because the parents take care of the children on rotation and have created together a saving and internal lending community group which help them to develop economically. After the discussions, the parents who have the children in this home based ECD decided to buy uniforms for their children within two months and to teach them to feed with spoons or forks because until now the children were feeding with their hands.

For the children to get a balanced diet, the home based ECDs have grown green vegetables using bio-intensive agriculture techniques (BIAT).

An ECD caregiver explaining to the joint visit team how they grow vegetables using bio-intensive agriculture techniques (BIAT).

The most appreciated home based ECD is the “Agaciro” Murambi sector. It gathers for 33 children who study from Monday to Friday every week. The children are fed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays while they are given porridge on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They received a balanced diet which includes mushrooms that the hosting family has grown with the support of Imbaraga Farmers funded by Plan International Rwanda.

Children from Agaciro ECD receiving food.


After visiting this home based ECD, the joint field visit team encouraged Kayijuka Jean Pierre and Uwiringiyimana Epiphanie who own Agaciro home based ECD to train the parents on how to grow mushrooms in their homes, so that it would help them get healthy diet in families.

Uwiringiyimana Epiphanie, the owner of Agaciro ECD, explaining to the joint visit team, how she grows mushrooms.

Among 4 schools visited, the parents of 3 of them have created the saving and internal lending community groups to help them develop.

The Early Childhood Development (ECD) Project, is implemented by Caritas Rwanda and funded by Plan International Rwanda. The project targets children enrolled in ECDs as well as parents by training them to nurture their children from conception to age 6, with the aim of awakening their brains, preparing them for school, giving them an equitable education, protecting them from disease and malnutrition, as well as from all kinds of violence.