August 23, 2024

Collaborative meeting between Caritas Rwanda and Caritas Kabgayi

As part of the collaborative meetings that Caritas Rwanda is holding with the diocesan Caritas, a team from Caritas Rwanda and Caritas Kabgayi met on 22nd August 2024 to evaluate the implementation of 2023 Caritas Rwanda General Assembly recommendations (for the Social Welfare department) and to exchange ideas.

In his opening remarks, Father Jean Berchmans Gasasira, Director of Caritas Kabgayi, recalled that like other diocesan Caritas, Caritas Kabgayi is part of the Caritas Rwanda family. Father Jean Berchmans thanked Caritas Rwanda for the good coordination and advice for the proper functioning of the diocesan Caritas.

The participants then discussed about the Caritas’ visibility through the Catholic Church media and the Caritas Rwanda annual magazine called “Caritas Contact”. Thus, they took this opportunity to review together how to write a good story.

Celebration of Caritas Day and World Day of the Poor

During the celebration of the World Day of the Poor, the message of the Holy Pope for this day is read in all parishes, and the selected poor receive help. Each parish decides how to celebrate this day according to its capacities, but so far, not all are able to help the poor.

Regarding the celebration of Caritas Day, Caritas Kabgayi organizes a week to help the poor where various charity acts are done at the parish level such as cultivating the fields of the poor, giving them food, building houses for them, etc. At the end of this week, the Parishes celebrate the Caritas Day, to pay tribute to those who those who are no longer Caritas volunteers because of their advanced age, while they pray for the souls of the volunteers who died. The Caritas Day celebration is an opportunity to self-evaluate and plan for the future.

Encouraging Youth to Become Caritas Volunteers

In order to encourage youth to participate in Caritas volunteer activities, Caritas Kabgayi encourages the parish Caritas committees’ members to conduct awareness campaigns in primary and secondary schools at least once a year in each school, and help to set up a Caritas committee for each school.

Caritas Kabgayi and Caritas Rwanda team in meeting.

The Charity Month campaign

During this Charity Month campaign, Caritas Kabgayi staff visited all parishes to raise awareness. This campaign was named “Twese Tujyanemo!” (Together, Let’s do it!).

In addition to conducting awareness in parishes, the message inviting everyone to contribute to the Charity Month is also broadcast on the radio “Ijwi rya Gare” (The Voice of the Bus Station) and on the market radio.

Caritas Kabgayi staff also undertook a study tour in the Ruhengeri Diocese, to learn how Caritas Ruhengeri conducted the awareness campaign for the Charity Month 2023 to collect Rwf 25,198,908.

Closing the meeting, Father Gasasira Jean Berchmans said that the Diocese of Kabgayi has appointed the Commission for Persons with Disabilities, in order to grant them dignity. As the projects that take care of these people have a certain periodicity, this commission will allow Caritas Kabgayi to help them regularly. Father Jean Berchmans also returned to the Caritas’ vision: “We want the poor to have a life like that of others and to have dignity like others, that is why Caritas exists. This is the fight that we must lead together”.

The Caritas Kabgayi and Caritas Rwanda joint team visited the elderly people who are assisted at Home Saint Joseph Kabgayi.

At the end of the meeting, the joint team of Caritas Kabgayi and Caritas Rwanda paid a visit to the Home Saint Joseph Kabgayi owned by the Abizeramariya Sisters, which cares for vulnerable elderly people, who gave touching testimonies, sharing how they arrived in bad condition, were treated and healed from their physical and emotional wounds.

During this visit, Caritas Kabgayi donated food to the Home Saint Joseph Kabgayi.