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June 12, 2023

PSHEA training of Caritas Rwanda Staff

From 6th to 9th June 2023, 48 Caritas Rwanda staff attended a 4-day training on Safeguarding and Protection from Sexual Harassment, Exploitation, and Abuse (PSHEA) at Centre d’Accueil Bonne Esperance Kigali.
The received knowledge included the meaning of “violence”, different types of violence, its signs of violence and how to prevent it. Violence is any act that is committed to a person against his/her will and that has a negative impact on him/her, be it physical, mental, on his economic life or even on his property and others’ lives. The violence can be done at home, in the extended family, in schools, at workplaces, in places of worship and elsewhere.
There are many types of violence: physical violence, sexual violence, emotional violence, psychological violence, spiritual violence, cultural violence, verbal abuse, financial abuse, and neglect.
The violence has various consequences on the survivors’ life namely diseases, infection, unplanned pregnancy, emotional and physical injuries, death, genital mutilation, mental health issues including depression, fear, isolation, marginalization, shame, guilt, loss of truth, loss of credibility, family conflicts, neglected children among others.
With regard to safeguarding, the organization should have a Safeguarding Policy and Procedures (clear and accessible), a Code of Conduct, conduct a safe recruitment and choice of partners, make sure all the staff members and partners are trained on their responsibility of child safeguarding. There is also awareness raising among children and parents/ caregivers especially on how to raise a concern and chose a referral person to follow up on the prevention of and the response to possible cases of abuse. The organization must also regularly conduct the safeguarding risk assessment on projects, programs, and activities from conception to completion.
This training is part of the Caritas Rwanda’s mission
Father Oscar Kagimbura, the SG of Caritas Rwanda,, saying his closing speech.
In his closing remarks, Father Oscar Kagimbura, the Secretary General of Caritas Rwanda, said that this training is part of the mission of Caritas Rwanda which is assisting the most vulnerable people without discrimination. He also reminded that the concept “caritas” means love. “Once hired, every staff is briefed on the Caritas Rwanda’s mission and asked to accomplish his/her responsibilities following the Caritas Rwanda’s mission”. He added that this mission of love for Caritas Rwanda as a Catholic Church organization is rooted in the gospel.

Safeguarding self assessment exercise in groups.
On the last day of the training, the staff of Caritas Rwanda conducted a self-evaluation exercise in groups, looking at what they have gained and what to improve (with action plan). During this exercise, the staff found that respecting the rights of children and other vulnerable people is usually done in Caritas Rwanda and concluded by saying: “The fight against violence starts with me and for others”.
Apart from these 48 Caritas Rwanda employees, there are other 47 employees who were trained from 17 to 20 April 2023.