To facilitate their work, on 7th August 2023, Caritas Rwanda distributed field equipment to 50 UPG coaches of the PRM PAC Project from Kiziba and Nyabiheke refugee camps including bags, boots, and raincoats. Nyabiheke UPG coaches were also given bicycles.
The 50 UPG coaches include 23 from Kiziba refugee camp (Karongi district) and 27 from Nyabiheke camp in Gatsibo district. In addition to the field equipment mentioned above, the Nyabiheke camp UPG coaches received bicycles that will enable them to travel while serving the project participants.
Vanson Ngarambe, who led the team from Caritas Rwanda headquarters that delivered the equipment to the volunteers at Kiziba camp, told the UPG coaches that the Secretary General of Caritas Rwanda thank them for the good work they have done to improve the participants’ lives during the last two years of the project. He emphasized to take care of these field equipment, and encouraged them to aim high for the performance of the third year which has just begun this August 2023.

The UPG coaches thanked Caritas Rwanda for the equipment they received, as they had requested from the Secretary General of Caritas Rwanda during his visit last year. They assured that they will work tirelessly to improve the participants’ participants much more.
PRM PAC is a three-year project (August 2021 – July 2024), funded by the United States Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (known as BPRM) and implemented by World Vision and Caritas Rwanda.
This project is designated to build the resilience to 1500 most vulnerable households of refugees of Nyabiheke and Kiziba camps as well as their host communities. There is a close collaboration with UNHCR and the government of RWANDA, to ensure that they graduate from out of humanitarian assistance and extreme poverty over the project lifespan.