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June 16, 2023

Caritas Rwanda joined the other partners implementing in Nyabiheke and Kiziba camps in the exhibition

In the preparations for the World Refugee Day celebrated on June 20, Caritas Rwanda through the PAC and Graduation projects joined the other operational partners in Kiziba and Nyabiheke refugee camps for two exhibitions held in Karongi District (14th -15th June) and in Gatsibo District on June 15.

In these exhibitions, various project beneficiaries came to present their achievements thanks to the projects operating in both camps. Some of them brought goods to sell, handicrafts, kitchen utensils, agricultural products, and so on. Others were selling technology products.

Besides the beneficiaries, implementing partners also explained who they are, what they do, and their projects’ achievements.

In the Caritas Rwanda’s tents, the beneficiaries of the PAC project (implemented in Kiziba and Nyabiheke camps) and the Graduation Project (implemented in Nyabiheke and Mahama camps) exposed the handbags they produce in Kitenge; some who offer Irembo services brought their computers and printing machines to demonstrate their services, document covers, etc. Others presented the shop products including the Kitenge fabrics, and clothes they sell in their shops, and the motorcyclists bought their motorcycles bought thanks to the support provided by the PAC and Graduation projects, etc…

Caritas Rwanda’s tente in Kiziba exhibition.

It was a lively event attended by the refugees and the host community members where they had the opportunity to shop for what they need. The partners and their projects’ beneficiaries used loudspeakers to invite people to their stands.

Caritas Rwanda’s tente in Nyabiheke exhibition.


World Refugee Day

According to the testimonies during the exhibitions, the beneficiaries of projects implemented in the camps include refugees and host community members. As they said, working together helped them to unite and share knowledge.

The theme of this year’s World Refugee Day is: “Hope Away, from Home”.

Group photo / Partners implementing projects in Nyabiheke Refugee Camp.

After visiting the exhibition held at Mugera market in Gatsibo District (June 15), Evans Omari, the Head of Field Office / Kabarore UNHCR Field Office, congratulated the partners for this outstanding activity. He also thanked the country of Rwanda for all the work done to promote refugees, where the beneficiaries of the project include both the refugees and the host community members. “This shows how welcoming the people of Rwanda are”.

International Refugee Day is organized by the United Nations every year on June 20. It was designed to celebrate and honor refugees from around the world. This day was celebrated for the first time on 20th June 2021, in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees.