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August 24, 2023

Burera: 200 mothers rewarded for having conducted 4 ANC standard visits during their pregnancy

With the aim of promoting assistive delivery, and preventing pregnancy complications and death during delivery, on 22nd August 2023, Caritas Rwanda through the USAID funded program Gikuriro Kuri Bose (GKB), in collaboration with Burera District, awarded mothers of babies under 2, who conducted 4 ANC standard visits while pregnant as required by the Ministry of Health.

Rwanda’s Ministry of Health is encouraging pregnant women to attend the four visits scheduled during the antenatal care period and to follow the advice given to them by healthcare providers, to ensure the good health of both mother and baby.

The rewarding event of the outstanding mothers took place in the Kinoni Sector of Burera District, and was attended by the Mayor of the district Nshimiyimana Jean Baptiste, the Gikuriro Kuri Bose nutrition advisor at the national level, health facilities managers, Community Health Workers, and local communities.

200 mothers of children under the age of 2 who completed 4 standard prenatal visits during their pregnancy received a hen each, to help them feed their children with eggs. 4 Community Health Workers were also rewarded with kitchen utensils for encouraging mothers to complete the 4 standard prenatal care visits.

4 CHW received kitchen utensils as award.

The health centers that distinguished themselves in the promotion of this program, namely Kirambo, Ndongozi, and Kivuye, received appreciation awards.

Kirambo, Ndongozi and Kivuye Health centers managers, receiving the appreciation awards.

A total of 3,490 mothers of children under the age of 2 will be rewarded in all sectors of the Burera district.