Through its ECD Project funded by Plan International Rwanda, Caritas Rwanda joined the District of Bugesera for the celebration of the Early Childhood Development (ECD) Day on May 24, 2023. This celebration marked the closing of ECD week, where local authorities with the district partners in ECD visited various ECDs, home-based and school-based, , encouraging parents to prepare balanced meals for their families, promoting good health, adopt hygiene and sanitation best practices, and take care of their children’s education.
The ECD day was celebrated in the Bugesera district, Ngeruka sector, Nyakayenzi cell, Kibungo village, under the following theme: “Isibo, the source of healthy child development”.
In his speech, the Secretary General of Caritas Rwanda, Father Oscar Kagimbura, highlighted the ECD program in these words: “ECDs are a lasting solution to protect the child, and prevent child abuse when parents leave them alone at home because in ECDs they are well catered for”, he said. He added that the ECD program also helps to fight against the social isolation of the child.
The Governor of the Eastern Province, Emmanuel Gasana congratulated Bugesera District to have organized and run the ECD week , qualifying it as excellent, and asked the participants especially parents to learn from it and take the new measures for the best growth of their children. “What are the new strategies, what are the new measures taken, and what are we aiming to achieve? Dear parents, what lessons have you learned here that can be useful to those who are not participating in this ceremony?”, he asked.

At the end of this celebration, the guests of honor served the ECD children a portion of healthy food. The Governor Emmanuel Gasana and the Secretary General of Caritas Rwanda Father Oscar Kagimbura led this action.
ECD week activities
The week dedicated to Early Childhood Development started on May 15, 2023, to end on May 24, 2023. The activities included the ECDs’ visits, teaching parents how to prepare a balanced diet and mobilizing them to play a role in the development of their children. They were also urged to take care of hygiene and sanitation, including using and drinking clean water in families.
Parents were also called upon to ensure the proper education of their children in ECD, to use the brain stimulation toys starting from the local ones and to protect children from any sort of abuse.
The outstanding ECD’s caregivers at the District and Sector levels received a certificate of appreciation and educational materials including toys, brain stimulation toys, learning materials and hygiene items.
In the Bugesera district, there are currently 1,612 home-based early childhood development, 135 school-based ECDs and 80 community-based ECDs.