From 08 to 10 October 2024, the Igire Gimbuka team met in a quarterly meeting at Cenetra Hotel / Kabuga, to reflect on ways to improve their work. In his opening remarks, Father Oscar Kagimbura, the Secretary General of Caritas Rwanda urged them to serve the program participants keeping in mind the Caritas Rwanda’s vision of promoting human dignity for All.
During the meeting, participants had the opportunity to self-assess their work in groups (SWOT analysis), examining their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges in their daily activities. The self-assessment will help the Igire-Gimbuka staff to improve their work, basing on the recommendations formulated in their groups during the meeting.
Among the various recommendations formulated after the SWOT analysis, we can list making effort for effective communication, the continuous staff capacity improvement, reinforcement of priests’ engagement in program activities, and improving the working strategy with ARV Nurses in order to achieve program objectives.
The team also had the opportunity to develop an implementation plan for the activities for the first quarter of the 3rd year of Igire-Gimbuka implementation (October – December 2024).
The Igire-Gimbuka team during a self-assessment exercise.
In his closing remarks, the Secretary General of Caritas Rwanda called on the Igire-Gimbuka program staff to assume ownership of their work, to communicate effectively and ensure a good collaboration. “If we do this, we will easily reach our objectives”, said Father Oscar.
Father Oscar Kagimbura, the SG of Caritas Rwanda, urged the Igire-Gimbuka team to assume ownership of their work, to communicate effectively and ensure a good collaboration.
Igire-Gimbuka is a 5-year program launched in October 2022, with funds from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief “PEPFAR”, through the United States Agency for International Development “USAID”,
In 5 years, the Igire-Gimbuka targets to reach 80,000 OVC (Orphans and Vulnerable Children), from Karongi, Nyamasheke, Rubavu and Rutsiro districts, by keeping the OVC and vulnerable households healthy, safe, stable, and schooled. In this context, the Igire-Gimbuka has reached 51,427 program participant (more than 60%) in two years.
On 24th September 2024, a delegation from Caritas Rwanda and Caritas Kibungo heads of departments convened at the Caritas Kibungo headquarters in Ngoma District with the goal of evaluating the implementation of the Caritas Rwanda General Assembly 2023 recommendations (for the Social Welfare department). In addition, the team exchanged ideas on fundraising strategies for the Charity Month, and visited the Home of Joy (located in Ngoma district) and the Urugo rw’Amahoro Kabarondo Center (Kayonza district).
The team’s conversations centered on promoting the visibility Caritas Rwanda’ visibility through Catholic Church media and on social media. A brief training on story development was also provided to the participants, as it will enable all departments to develop stories for publication in Kinyamateka and the Caritas Contact magazine.
This meeting was also an opportunity to recall the activities carried out to celebrate the World Day of the Poor including the celebration of a Holy Mass, meals sharing with the poor; and providing gifts and/or food to the poor. During the celebration of the Caritas Day, it is important to raise awareness on Caritas, its values, while people who have previously benefited from Caritas’ educational support are encouraged to assist those in need.
According to the Caritas Kibungo staff, all parishes celebrate the World Day of the Poor and Caritas Day, with the exception of the Rukoma Parish, where these days are observed at the central level. People from all religious denominations contribute for the World Day of the Poor celebration since Caritas supports vulnerable people without discrimination. The meeting recalled that material possessions are not as important to the vulnerable people as love. It is crucial to love them first.
Awareness raising for the Charity Month
In order to increase the contribution to the Month of Charity and Mercy, in May and June 2024, Caritas volunteers have been animating in all parishes. In addition, Caritas Kibungo plans to raise awareness of the Month of Charity and Mercy in schools soon.
Caritas volunteers have been mobilizing to contribute to the Charity Month in all parishes in May and June 2024. Furthermore, Caritas Kibungo intends to raise awareness about the Charity Month in schools.
Another strategy is to organize a group of individuals who have received educational support from Caritas so they can help those in need as well. They can still contribute to the Charity Month for years to come, even though it is a little late to donate this year. Every year in May and June, parishes kick off Charity Month fundraising, as stated by the Caritas Kibungo team. Perishable items are immediately distributed while those that can be stocked are distributed during the celebration of the World Day of the Poor in November.
In addition, participants shared suggestions for additional fundraising strategies during Charity Month, such as using loudspeakers to broadcast messages and raise awareness in crowded locations like the market and bus park. Also, to increase contributions for the Charity Month, there is a way to mobilize members of savings and internal lending community groups that are supported by Caritas Kibungo through projects. Staff from the Caritas Kibungo projects and the Social Welfare Department will collaborate to organize field visits to the savings groups.
With regard to (i) [1]Harmonize, coordinate and strengthen the volunteer system within the Caritas network with emphasis on youth mobilization; as well as (ii) [2]strengthening the support for integral human development with emphasis on young people, the Caritas Kibungo team said that the awareness is regularly conducted to make Caritas known among the youth, promoting its values, and calling them to be involved in volunteering activities. The mobilization is organized in schools, universities and seminaries, so that children and youth grow up with a heart filled with love and help vulnerable people.
At the end of the meeting, the Caritas Kibungo team thanked Caritas Rwanda for organizing such a collaborative meeting, and promised that they will implement the ideas from exchanges in order to refine what they do.
After the meeting, the joint team visited the Home of Joy run by the Missionary of Charity Sisters (in Ngoma district) and the Urugo rw’Amahoro Kabarondo Centre run by the volunteers (in Kayonza district). Both centres care for vulnerable people.
[1] 7th recommendation from the Caritas Rwanda General Assembly 2023, regarding the diocesan Caritas.
[2] 8th recommendation from the Caritas Rwanda General Assembly 2023, regarding the diocesan Caritas.
Group photo with people cared in Home of Joy managed by the Missionaries Of Charity Sisters in Ngoma.Group photo with people cared in Urugo rw’Amahoro Kabarondo Centre run by the volunteers (in Kayonza district).
On 26th and 27th September 2024, Caritas Rwanda and diocesan Caritas directors and heads of departments met to evaluate the Caritas Rwanda 2020-2024 strategic plan and draft the 2025-2030 strategic plan. Representatives from international Caritas organizations in Rwanda also attended this workshop.
The overall objective of Caritas Rwanda’s 2020-2024 Strategic Plan was to: Ensure integral human development in a spirit of solidarity to contribute to improving the living conditions of vulnerable people. The interventions were implemented through 8 specific objectives as listed below:
Strengthen capacities for resource mobilization and management
To raise awareness of the identity and mission of Caritas
Improve the living conditions of vulnerable people
Minimize the effects of humanitarian crises on impacted communities
Contribute to access to and availability of affordable and quality preventive, promotive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative health services
Contributing to the country’s efforts to slow down the galloping demographic growth, by regulating births using PFN methods according to the principles of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
Improve the nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women and children under 6 years old
Increasing the economic capacities of vulnerable people in line with the principles of sustainable development
Caritas Rwanda Secretary General Father Oscar Kagimbura expressed gratitude to everyone in attendance for their participation.
During the workshop, the evaluation showed that all planned activities were implemented and contributed significantly to Vision 2050, NST1 in terms of job creation, food security, poverty reduction, as well as efforts to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Among the key achievements of the Caritas Rwanda strategic plan 2020-2024, over Rwf 3,658,470,625 of cash grants were provided to 5,582 vulnerable households to create income generating activities, 4,947 savings groups were established and have saved Rwf 2,232,879,536 along the 5 years. Over 1620 jobs created as well.
During this period, 31,289 OVC received education support including 21,917 in primary, 6,832 in secondary and 2540 in TVET Program. In the 4 first years of this strategic plan (2020-2023), the contributions of the charity month equal to Rwf 364,868,744.
In addition, 1029 children under 5 with malnutrition status were rehabilitated through 1,894 village nutrition schools.
The evaluation of the Caritas Rwanda strategic plan 2020-2024 was conducted by department. This is the Health department group.
Caritas Rwanda runs its activities throughout the Country, leveraging its strong network of 10 Diocesan Caritas, 231 Parish Caritas, 882 Sub-parish Caritas, 29,141 Basic Christian Community Caritas and more than 56,345 volunteers. Caritas Rwanda interventions fall into four departments: (i) the Department of Administration and Finance, (ii) the Department of Social Welfare, (iii) the Department of Health; and (iv) the Department of Development.
To enhance the self-reliance and livelihoods of 50 Sudanese Refugee/Asylum seekers households and other minority nationalities in Mahama Refugee camp, starting from this September 2024, a four-month project is being implemented by Caritas Rwanda, with funds from MasterCard Foundation through the UNHCR Rwanda.
The project will specifically target 46 Sudanese households, as well as one household each from Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Chad. The activities will be conducted following the 4 pillars of the Graduation Approach namely Social empowerment, Social protection, Financial inclusion and Livelihood promotion.
On 9th September 2024, in Kirehe District, 8 Caritas Rwanda staff members who will work on this project participated in the orientation meeting to equip them with the full information needed for the project implementation. The following day, Caritas Rwanda organized a meeting with key stakeholders including participant representatives, camp partners and the camp management team.
Project orientation meeting of Caritas Rwanda staff who will work on this project, to equip them with the information needed for implementation.
During the meeting, discussions centred around the presentation of project activities and the criteria for identification. All partners and participants’ representatives expressed their commitment to collaborating for the successful implementation of the project. The representatives of various minority nationalities proposed increasing the number of participants in the project. In response, the Caritas Rwanda staff explained that the project was initially designed to support Sudanese refugees due to their significant population. However, they also considered including other minority groups in the hopes that their participation would grow over time, as this project serves as a pilot initiative.
Caritas Rwanda’s meeting with key stakeholders including participant representatives, camp partners and the camp management team.
On September 11th and 12th, 2024, the Caritas Rwanda team, along with representatives of Sudanese refugees, asylum seekers, and other minority nationalities, conducted an identification process based on the agreed-upon criteria.
After the selection, the participants will benefit from various training including Saving Internal and Lending Community (SILC) methodology, financial literacy, Income Generating Activity (IGA), entrepreneurship, and business plan development. After they will create SILC groups and receive the cash grant of Frw 800,000 each to implement their IGA following their business plans.
As part of the collaboration meetings that Caritas Rwanda organizes with the diocesan Caritas to evaluate the implementation of the Caritas Rwanda 2023 General Assembly recommendations, on 6th September 2024, a team from Caritas Rwanda met with the Caritas Gikongoro heads of the departments and exchanged on the different activities carried out by Caritas Gikongoro.
At the beginning of the meeting, the heads of the departments of Caritas Gikongoro presented its different activities. In Social Welfare, there is awareness on Caritas Spirit, assistance for school fees to vulnerable children, assistance to sick for their transport to the hospital, assistance to children with disability, the economic development for vulnerable families, assistance to vulnerable elderly people by providing them with food, clothing and paying their contribution to the community-based health insurance.
In the Caritas Gikongoro area, parishes initiated the census of prisoners and funds are regularly collected to visit them, by two people representing others in the parish. Bishop Célestin Hakizimana of the Gikongoro Diocese, has requested that this activity be spread throughout the whole Diocese. The prisoners of the Nyamagabe prison also benefit from a Holy Mass every week and receive donations of food on Christmas.
To overcome the problem of limited means which is a challenge for assisting more vulnerable people, Caritas Gikongoro has launched a program called “Menya Mugenzi Wawe” (Help your neighbor), where people formerly assisted by Caritas are mobilized to give a small regular contribution intend be used in reaching a large number of vulnerable people.
In Health Department, Caritas Gikongoro manages 11 health centers, where the poorest people are assisted in paying for medical care, while the others are assisted for the contribution of the community-based health insurance. There is also nutritional support, awareness raising and the provision of family planning services by natural methods (PFN).
Caritas Gikongoro and Caritas Rwanda team during the meeting.
For the Department of Development, there are various agricultural projects which aim at promoting small farmers. A project aiming at providing seeds and fertilizers, and growing local trees which go together with the different crops without harming them is being carried out. In this department, there is also a project that distributes livestock to obtain manure, and economical cookers as well as creating committees capable of producing and distributing them.
For the Department of Administration and Finance, Caritas Gikongoro plans to create its own income-generating activities for its self-financing.
Regarding the visibility of Caritas, during the meeting, the heads of the departments of Caritas Gikongoro received a short training on the right way to write an article, which will help them developping articles to be published in Caritas Contact and Kinyamateka.
On the point related to the celebration of Caritas Day and the World Day of the Poor, not all of the 19 parishes celebrated them in past years, but for this year all of them will do it because this year’s Caritas Gikongoro General Assembly recommended it.
Awareness raising on the Charity Month
In order to increase the productivity of the Charity month aimed at helping the vulnerable, Caritas Gikongoro staff members have been doing the awareness campaign in the 19 parishes. In addition, the Caritas committee members conduct the door-to-door awareness raising in the basic ecclesial communities, calling on everyone to contribute for the Charity. The message signed by Bishop Anaclet, the president of Caritas Rwanda regarding the Charity month is also read in every celebration of Mass, as well as the campaign is conducted in schools.
At the end of the meeting, Caritas Gikongoro staff expressed their gratitude for such meetings organized by Caritas Rwanda in the diocesan Caritas, because the exchange will enable them to improve their work.
The Caritas Gikongoro and Caritas Rwanda team during their visit to children in rehabilitation at Centre Saint François d’Assise Kitabi.
After the meeting, the Caritas Rwanda and Caritas Gikongoro team visited the Centre Saint François d’Assise Kitabi, which assists children with disability, under the management of the Penitent Sisters of Saint Francis of Assisi.
To evaluate the implementation of Caritas Rwanda General Assembly 2023 recommendations and exchange ideas, a team from Caritas Cyangugu (Coordinators of Departments) and Caritas Rwanda met on 5th September 2024, at the Caritas Cyangugu Offices.
Intending to increase the Charity Month contribution, Caritas Cyangugu met and collaborated with the priests to encourage them to raise awareness about this month. Caritas Cyangugu also produced flyers about Charity Month and called on everyone to contribute, distributed in workplaces, financial institutions, business houses, and other places. Each flyer was accompanied by a contribution request letter.
During this meeting, Caritas Cyangugu Coordinators of Departments were able to present the different activities of Caritas Cyangugu, including paying school fees for vulnerable children, caring for people with disability, assisting poor families, empowering the poor, self-reliance promotion-related projects, youth projects, and monitoring Early Childhood Development home based and centers.
In project implementation, Caritas Cyangugu encourages project participants to help other vulnerable people. Specifically, young people are actively engaged in charitable and volunteer activities. One notable initiative is the annual youth forum, where participants pool funds saved from transportation costs to purchase sheet metal and construct homes for impoverished families. Additionally, young volunteers partake in activities such as visiting the sick. These efforts exemplify Caritas Cyangugu’s commitment to empowering youth and fostering a culture of compassion and service within the community.
The meeting was an occasion for sharing ideas on Caritas Cyangugu activities.
To promote the visibility of Caritas, during the meeting, Caritas Cyangugu staff members received a short training on how to write a good article. The knowledge gained will enable all departments of Caritas Cyangugu to produce high-quality articles for publication in Caritas Contact 2024.
In honour of Caritas Day and World Day of the Poor every year, Caritas Cyangugu hosts Caritas Week. This event encourages young individuals to participate in volunteer activities and aims to rejuvenate Caritas committees. The last day of Caritas Week is World Day of the Poor and Caritas Day. Those who have contributed to the organisation of Caritas Week are recognised and the poor receive assistance to help them out of poverty.
After the meeting, the joint team (Caritas Rwanda and Caritas Cyangugu) visited the Centre Saint François d’Assise de Rusizi, which assists children with disability, under the management of the Penitent Sisters of Saint Francis of Assisi.
Centre Saint François d’Assise de Rusizi ensure the rehabilitation of the children with disability.
The 21st National Catholic Youth Forum was held at the Diocese of Ruhengeri from 21st to 25th August 2024, bringing together approximately 5,000 youth from across Rwanda and participants from DRC Congo. The theme of this year’s forum, “Rejoicing in Hope,” was a lively celebration of faith, learning, and community that united the vitality and aspirations of Rwanda’s youth under the guidance of the Catholic Church. This year, the forum had an added significance as it coincided with the celebration of a dual jubilee.
The National Youth Forum 2024 provided a holistic platform for spiritual growth, doctrinal education, and youth empowerment. It offered a unique opportunity for youth to deepen their faith through daily Masses, prayer sessions, and reflections designed to bring them closer to Jesus Christ. These spiritual practices were at the heart of the forum, ensuring that youth not only strengthened their relationship with God but also fortified their moral and ethical foundations.
Educating for a Purposeful Life, Building Bonds and Creating Networks
Education on Catholic doctrine and moral teachings was a key component of the forum. Through workshops, seminars, and panel discussions, youth were equipped with the knowledge needed to navigate the moral complexities of modern life. These sessions emphasized the importance of living according to Catholic values, fostering a generation that is not only spiritually grounded but also morally responsible.
Beyond spiritual and doctrinal education, the forum served as a powerful socializing and networking event. Youth from different dioceses had the chance to interact, exchange ideas, and build lasting connections. These interactions fostered a sense of unity and belonging within the Church community, reinforcing the idea that the Church is a supportive and nurturing family for all its members.
Youth Empowerment Through Action
Father Oscar Kagimbura, the Secretary-General of Caritas Rwanda, visiting the stands at Mini Exhibition of Y4Y & GKN Participants. PHOTO by: Olivier Ndamukunda / Caritas Rwanda.
A significant highlight of the forum was its focus on youth empowerment. Caritas Rwanda played a pivotal role in facilitating discussions on youth empowerment. Through its Youth Program, Caritas Rwanda organized a mini-exhibition where participants from the Gera ku Ntego and Youth for Youth projects showcased their income-generating activities. These projects are shining examples of how youth can harness available opportunities to create sustainable livelihoods. The exhibition not only inspired fellow participants but also provided practical insights into starting and managing income-generating activities, encouraging the youth to take bold steps toward economic self-reliance.
Bishops of Ruhengeri and Gikongoro during a tour at Mini Exhibition of Y4Y & GKN Participants. PHOTO by: Olivier Ndamukunda / Caritas Rwanda.
A Forum for the Future
The forum also featured various activities that resonated with the diverse interests of the participants. From cultural exchanges and sports events to exhibitions and panel discussions, the forum was a dynamic blend of learning, fun, and inspiration. The exhibitions, in particular, were a testament to the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of Rwanda’s youth, showcasing initiatives that are making a tangible difference in communities.
During the closing ceremony, attended by Catholic bishops, the Ministry of Youth and Arts, the Governor of the Northern Province, and other dignitaries; Bishop Papias MUSENGAMANA of Byumba Diocese and CEPJ president, expressed gratitude to CRS and Caritas Rwanda for supporting this youth Forum and their ongoing support in youth program. The Minister of Youth and Arts, as Guest of Honor in his remarks also appreciated CRS and Caritas Rwanda as a key partner in youth empowerment efforts.
The 21st National Catholic Youth Forum was more than just an event; it was a transformative experience for all who attended. By combining spiritual growth with practical empowerment, the forum laid a strong foundation for the future of Rwanda’s catholic youth.
As part of the collaborative meetings that Caritas Rwanda is holding with the diocesan Caritas, a team from Caritas Rwanda and Caritas Kabgayi met on 22nd August 2024 to evaluate the implementation of 2023 Caritas Rwanda General Assembly recommendations (for the Social Welfare department) and to exchange ideas.
In his opening remarks, Father Jean Berchmans Gasasira, Director of Caritas Kabgayi, recalled that like other diocesan Caritas, Caritas Kabgayi is part of the Caritas Rwanda family. Father Jean Berchmans thanked Caritas Rwanda for the good coordination and advice for the proper functioning of the diocesan Caritas.
The participants then discussed about the Caritas’ visibility through the Catholic Church media and the Caritas Rwanda annual magazine called “Caritas Contact”. Thus, they took this opportunity to review together how to write a good story.
Celebration of Caritas Day and World Day of the Poor
During the celebration of the World Day of the Poor, the message of the Holy Pope for this day is read in all parishes, and the selected poor receive help. Each parish decides how to celebrate this day according to its capacities, but so far, not all are able to help the poor.
Regarding the celebration of Caritas Day, Caritas Kabgayi organizes a week to help the poor where various charity acts are done at the parish level such as cultivating the fields of the poor, giving them food, building houses for them, etc. At the end of this week, the Parishes celebrate the Caritas Day, to pay tribute to those who those who are no longer Caritas volunteers because of their advanced age, while they pray for the souls of the volunteers who died. The Caritas Day celebration is an opportunity to self-evaluate and plan for the future.
Encouraging Youth to Become Caritas Volunteers
In order to encourage youth to participate in Caritas volunteer activities, Caritas Kabgayi encourages the parish Caritas committees’ members to conduct awareness campaigns in primary and secondary schools at least once a year in each school, and help to set up a Caritas committee for each school.
Caritas Kabgayi and Caritas Rwanda team in meeting.
The Charity Month campaign
During this Charity Month campaign, Caritas Kabgayi staff visited all parishes to raise awareness. This campaign was named “Twese Tujyanemo!” (Together, Let’s do it!).
In addition to conducting awareness in parishes, the message inviting everyone to contribute to the Charity Month is also broadcast on the radio “Ijwi rya Gare” (The Voice of the Bus Station) and on the market radio.
Caritas Kabgayi staff also undertook a study tour in the Ruhengeri Diocese, to learn how Caritas Ruhengeri conducted the awareness campaign for the Charity Month 2023 to collect Rwf 25,198,908.
Closing the meeting, Father Gasasira Jean Berchmans said that the Diocese of Kabgayi has appointed the Commission for Persons with Disabilities, in order to grant them dignity. As the projects that take care of these people have a certain periodicity, this commission will allow Caritas Kabgayi to help them regularly. Father Jean Berchmans also returned to the Caritas’ vision: “We want the poor to have a life like that of others and to have dignity like others, that is why Caritas exists. This is the fight that we must lead together”.
The Caritas Kabgayi and Caritas Rwanda joint team visited the elderly people who are assisted at Home Saint Joseph Kabgayi.
At the end of the meeting, the joint team of Caritas Kabgayi and Caritas Rwanda paid a visit to the Home Saint Joseph Kabgayi owned by the Abizeramariya Sisters, which cares for vulnerable elderly people, who gave touching testimonies, sharing how they arrived in bad condition, were treated and healed from their physical and emotional wounds.
During this visit, Caritas Kabgayi donated food to the Home Saint Joseph Kabgayi.
An MOU was signed this 6th August 2024 between BK Foundation and the Igire Implementing Partners at Ubumwe Grande Hotel, marking a significant partnership in supporting 200 youth from OVC and DREAMS supported districts to pursuit TVET program throughout 2027.
As a pilot phase, this activity will be implemented in five districts namely Muhanga, Kayonza, Kicukiro, Rwamagana and Nyamasheke targeting 200 youth from OVC and DREAMS supported districts. The prioritized districts have a bigger youth population that needs TVET scholarship, and majority are adolescent girls and young women.
The selection of participants will involve BKF and local leaders to ensure we are targeting the most in need and avoid overlap with other development partners in targeted districts.
This cohort of 200 youth will be for a 12-month period, including six months of intense trainings, three months of internship and three more for monitoring to track and report on employment.
On 12th and 13th August 2024, the heads of (i) Administration and Finance and (ii) Social Welfare departments of Diocesan Caritas and Caritas Rwanda held a workshop for a mid-term evaluation of the 2024 operational plan (January – June 2024).
This exercise also aimed to evaluate the implement of the Caritas Rwanda Strategic Plan 2020-2024 and reflecting on the activities to be part of the upcoming Strategic Plan (2025-2030).
After reviewing what has been done, the participants concluded that most of the activities have been implemented while those that have been not implemented will be prioritized for the for the remaining months of the year.
During this workshop, the directors of Diocesan Caritas and the Secretary General of Caritas Rwanda held a meeting which recommended the elaboration of reports providing full information to decision makers, the strengthening of the communication and staff capacity building, as well as the encouragement of staff to adopt the Caritas Spirit.
The Secretary-General of Caritas Rwanda and the Directors of Diocesan Caritas in meeting.