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May 20, 2024
May 20, 2024

On 16th May 2024, Caritas Rwanda celebrated Labor Day, where the messages encouraged the staff to continue well performing in their daily work, impacting vulnerable people’s lives. It was also an occasion for a short training on Data Protection facilitated by Landmark advocates.

After this training, the Igire-Gimbuka team, funded by PEPFAR/USAID Rwanda, played against the Caritas Rwanda staff in friendly football and volleyball matches. The Igire-Gimbuka team won in football with a score of 2-1, while the Caritas Rwanda staff team won in volleyball with a score of 2 sets to 1.

Igire-Gimbuka team played against the Caritas Rwanda staff in friendly football and volleyball matches.

Addressing over 100 staff members who participated in the Labor Day celebration at Cercle Sportif de Kigali, the General Secretary of Caritas Rwanda Father Oscar Kagimbura urged them to carry out their daily work, making difference to positively change the lives of vulnerable people.

Father Oscar Kagimbura took this opportunity to present the appreciation award to Madame Nduwamungu Thérèse who has been working for Caritas Rwanda for 18 years, and who’s leaving for retirement. Through this award signed by Bishop Anaclet Mwumvaneza, the Chairman of Caritas Rwanda, Caritas Rwanda appreciated the outstanding work accomplished by Mrs. Nduwamungu during her period of service.

Mrs. Nduwamungu Thérèse received an appreciation award from Caritas Rwanda for her outstanding work during 18 years of service.

Father Kayisabe Vedaste, Secretary General of the Council of Catholic Bishops in Rwanda who participated in this event, thanked the management of Caritas Rwanda who organized this Labor Day celebration, calling on them to continue to successfully complete the tasks assigned to them by the Church.

May 14, 2024

To raise awareness within community about paediatric HIV services in Karongi District, Caritas Rwanda in collaboration with Caritas Internationalis has conducted a 3-day training for Religious Leaders. The training focused on paediatric HIV and CaritasCare Mobile App from 23rd to 25th April 2024, at Home Saint Jean Hotel (Karongi District).

This training was organized by Caritas Rwanda through the Faith Project, funded by Caritas Internationalis and implemented by Caritas Nigeria, Caritas Ivory Coast, and Caritas Democratic Republic of the Congo. Karongi district was selected due to its high prevalence of HIV infection compared to other districts in Rwanda.

Dr Prince Bisco Kanani, the Director of the Health Department in Caritas Rwanda, highlighted several barriesrs to identifying and treating HIV in children. These barriers include higlli, (i) limited access to paediatric HIV testing and counselling services, (ii) persistent stigma and discrimination against HIV-positive children and their families within communities, and (iii) inadequate healthcare infrastructure and limited availability of specialized paediatric HIV treatment and care.

In response to the first two barriers, Religious Leaders, serving as influential figures in the community, will be tasked with educating others about HIV stigma and discrimination during their various engagements. They will also utilise CaritasCare Mobile App to collect data and identify undiagnosed children at community level, ensuring they are connected with Health Facilities for testing and treatment data via the CaritasCare Mobile App and undiagnosed children at the community level and liaising them with Health Facilities for testing and treatment.

In his closing speech, Father Elie Hatangimbabazi, Director of Caritas Nyundo-Kibuye, reminded the Religious Leaders that the work assigned to them under the Faith Project aligns with Caritas’ mission. He urged them to approach the task with enthusiasm and complete it diligently

As for Dr Giulia Amerio, Faith Project Manager and the Health advisor for Caritas Internationalis, Faith Project is not only a project like any other, but also a work of God, of taking care of HIV-positive children who need help for the moment. “I will keep you in my prayers”, she added.

On the last day of the training, the Religious Leaders trained on Paediatric HIV and the CaritasCare Mobile App, together with Caritas Internationalis and Caritas Rwanda’s facilitating team visited the Mubuga Health Center’s Elimination of Mother-To-Child Transmission (EMTCT), Antiretroviral (ARV) services and laboratory to better understand how the HIV positive children are cared for.

April 25, 2024

In the preparations for World Malaria Day 2024 to be celebrated on 25th April 2024, Caritas Rwanda together with the Rwanda Biomedical Center, Rwanda Ministry of Health, Kigali City, USAID Rwanda and Global Fund, organized an awareness campaign against Malaria on Sunday 21st April 2024, at Tapis Ruge Nyamirambo during the last Car Free Day.

Organized under the theme “Zero Malaria starts with me”, this campaign was also an occasion for the Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) voluntary screening. The message was delivered through physical exercises, speeches, songs and questions where successful participants received t-shirts with anti-malaria message as awards.

This campaign was also an occasion for the Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) voluntary screening.

As different speakers highlighted in their speeches, Rwanda has successfully reduced Malaria cases by 90%. However, the complete eradication of Malaria requires the collective effort of everyone.

In his speech, Father Oscar Kagimbura, the Secretary General of Caritas Rwanda reminded all the participants that there is a common expression within Catholic Church and Caritas Rwanda which is says that “A healthy mind dwells in a healthy body”. He called on everyone to join the fight against Malaria by sleeping in long lasting insecticide-treated nets (known as supernets), eliminating stagnant water sources and removing ponds and bushes around the house where mosquitoes breed, and getting seeking medical attention promptly upon experiencing any symptoms.

Father Oscar Kagimbura, Secretary General of Caritas Rwanda, addressing the participants.

From 21st to 27th April 2024, Kigali is hosting the 8th Pan-African Malaria Conference, at Radisson Blu Hotel Kigali. Platini Nemeye known as Platini P. was the featured artist of the day.

Platini P was the artist of the day.


April 5, 2024

From January 2022 up to December 2023, Caritas Rwanda through its Graduation Project funded by UNHCR has supported over 1600 refugees from Mahama and Kiziba Camp and the host community members by providing them various trainings and the cash grant of Rwf 800,000 (per person) to enable them to start income generating activities. So far 1,493 businesses are operating profitably.

The Graduation project staff conducts post-distribution monitoring on a regular basis to strengthen participant capacity in managing their income-generating activities and ensure that the cash grant provided has been used as planned and presented in their business plans.

During the January-March 2024 post-distribution monitoring, the target participants monitored were 657 from Kiziba (including 235 identified in 2022 and 422 identified in 2023) and 956 identified in Mahama (including 235 identified in 2022 and 721 identified in 2023).

In the Kiziba site, the post-distribution monitoring reached 583 project participants including 186 from Cohort 2022 and 397 from Cohort 2023 who are still running businesses. During the monitoring period, 43 participants (18 from Cohort 2022 and 25 from Cohort 2023) have been resettled in foreign countries; 31 businesses from 2022 have been found failed and stopped working at the monitoring time.

Tito Sindahera, one of the Graduation participants who raise pigs, and the Project staff during the post-distribution monitoring.

This monitoring reached 944 beneficiaries with their businesses in the Mahama camp and around the camp physically to monitor their income-generating activities and mentor the business owners in collaboration with volunteers. Through monitoring, Project staff can identify areas where project participants may be struggling and guide them to help them improve. This can lead to enhanced performance and increased chances of business success.

In Mahama, 503 trade businesses are well running, 91 livestock businesses are well running, 71 services businesses are well running, 68 vocational activities are well running, 211 agriculture businesses are well running, 7 businesses in the services sector, and one trade sector are weak due to being in the wrong market, bad location, poor management.

In Kiziba, 549 businesses are well-running, 24 are weak, one business stopped, and 9 project participants have been resettled. Well-running businesses in Kiziba are ranged as follow: 136 agricultural businesses, 228 in trading, 44 in services, 56 in vocational activities and 85 in livestock.

April 1, 2024

51 Saving and Internal Lending Community groups from Nyabiheke and Kiziba Refugee camp and its host community supported by the PRM/PAC Project shared out Rwf 151,000,765 including Rwf 46,472,765 of interest. The share-out event took place at Nyabiheke camp stadium on 29th February 2024 and Kiziba Refugee camp 27th March 2024.

Within one year, the 27 Nyabiheke SILC groups (583 members) have saved up to Frw 67,198,000 and Rwf 29,995,695 of interest from internal credits, making a sum of Rwf 97,193,695 from March 2023 to 27th February 2024.

The SILC group from the Camp with the highest share out amount received Rwf 10,800,000 (Dukundane Q7A), while the host community group with the highest savings received Rwf 4,338,330 Rwf (Hindukirawigire Mugera).

The SILC member with the highest savings in the camp is Aline Nyirangirimana from the Korawigire Q3 SILC group who got Rwf 793,600 while the one from the host community is Ugirikirezi Claire from Tuzamurane Agakomeye SILC group who got Rwf 368,160.

On 27th March 2024, 24 other SILC groups from Kiziba supported by the PAC project regrouping 531 members from the camp and host community have saved up to 37,330,000 Rfw and have shared out 53,807,070 Rfw including 16,477,070 Rwf of interest from microloans among members.

Exhibition: During Kiziba share out participants explained what they do.

Ayinkamiye Madeleine from the host community has saved 367,000 Rfw and has received and shared 446,500 Rfw while Nyiramubyeyi Annonciate from the refugee camp has saved 393,000 Rfw and has shared out 478,165 Rfw.

During this shared out saving group Twitezimbere Kagabiro has shared out 4,454,000Rfw and have shared out 6,593,562 Rfw.

March 20, 2024
March 20, 2024

From March 11 to 12, 2024, the General Assembly of Caritas Rwanda convened at the Cenetra Hotel/Kabuga, to evaluate the implementation of the 2023 recommendations, to review the 2023 activity report and the 2024 operational plan, as well as the formulation of new recommendations.

The Rwandan bishops, the Apostolic Nuncio to Rwanda, Arnaldo Sánchez Catalán, various representatives of Caritas Rwanda’s partner organizations, the directors of Diocesan Caritas, as well as the personnel from Caritas Rwanda and the ten Diocesan Caritas, attended the General Assembly.

Bishop Anaclet Mwumvaneza, President of Caritas Rwanda, congratulated all Caritas (Caritas Rwanda and Diocesan Caritas) for celebrating the World Day of the Poor (November 19, 2023) in communion and sharing with the poor in parishes, hospitals, Catholic Health Facilities (FOSA), and in ecclesial communities, during his opening remarks. He emphasized the Pope Francis’s message for the day, which reminds us that the poor are not just statistics but rather real people who value human connection and our sense of humanity above all.

Bishop Anaclet Mwumvaneza, President of Caritas Rwanda, delivering the opening speech at the General Assembly of Caritas Rwanda.

Bishop Anaclet Mwumvaneza clarified that Caritas is in the last year of its 2020-2024 strategic plan, and that the mid-term evaluation showed that it is on the right path to its implementation. “And we rely on your support until the end. We will come back to you at the appropriate time for your participation in the formulation of the new five-year strategic plan 2025-2029”, he added.

In his speech, the Apostolic Nuncio to Rwanda, Mgr. Arnaldo Sánchez Catalán, underlined that Caritas is not just a matter of initiating social projects and humanitarian strategies that are successful and effective, but rather it is engaging an ongoing process of communion, of love in every nation. “Caritas, distinguishes you, make your difference from all other agencies working in the world. Thank you for your commitment and may God bless your solutions for 2024. It is essential for you to always go back to the source of your work, which is God’s love for us and our vocation to love in return. Precisely, because of the identity of Caritas depends directly on the mission it has received this love of God and the love of the Church for all people”, he added.

Bishop Arnaldo Sánchez Catalán, Apostolic Nuncio to Rwanda, delivering the speech to the General Assembly of Caritas Rwanda 2024.

The 2023 activities report was presented following the 4 departments of Caritas Rwanda, namely: The Administrative and Financial Department, the Socio-Welfare Department, the Health Department and the Development Department. In general, activities that were planned for 2023 were achieved on average of more than 90%.

During this General Assembly, there were discussions on strengthening strategies to increase charity month collections and get them to their intended destination. In 2023, the Diocesan Caritas of Ruhengeri was the most successful by raising Frw 25,198,908 of funds, followed by the Diocesan Caritas of Kigali which raised Frw 21,265,925.

The Natural Family Planning (NFP) program was also discussed, where 37,237 couples benefited from NFP services (including 6,544 new couples in 2023) according to the Health Department’s report of 2023. The General Assembly participants proposed giving cards to couples using NFP services as identification in case they are questioned about their family planning method.

The General Assembly of Caritas Rwanda made several recommendations including those related to the collaboration and synergy between Caritas and the various commissions of the C.EP.R, the strengthening of several existing activities and strategies to increase funds for self-reliance and sustainability of Caritas, the celebration of Caritas Day / World Day of the Poor at all levels, as well as the animation of integral human development with emphasis on young people.

March 18, 2024

Through its project RBF Enabel, Caritas Rwanda have conducted various annual meetings (one in each of the 10 Diocesan Caritas) with individuals linked with the Natural Family Planning Program (NFP) for the year 2022/2023 from 27th February to 15th March 2024. These meetings aimed at reviewing achievements, discussing upcoming activities, addressing challenges, and proposing solutions in regard to the NFP.

In addition to the above-mentioned objectives, these meetings were also organized to discuss long-term strategies and discuss the activities planned for the year 2023/2024.

The above meetings were organized with the support of the Ministry of Health and the Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC), through the Belgian Development Agency (Enabel).

NFP meeting – Caritas Nyundo/Kibuye on 15th March 2024.

Organized annually, the meetings on NFP in each Diocesan Caritas bring together the director of diocesan Caritas, the head of the family commission of the Diocese, the parish priest (all parishes), managers of hospitals and Approved Health Training (FOSA), as well as as the in charge of NFP Program in hospitals and health facilities.

March 4, 2024

142 orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) from Karongi and Nyamasheke districts supported by the PEPFAR/USAID funded Igire-Gimbuka Program have received, on 28th and 29th April 2024, the start-up kits from this program implemented by Caritas Rwanda. These OVC have recently graduated from TVET schools in Automotive Engine Technology, Bricks and Stone Masonry, Domestic Electricity, Fitting and Welding, Hair Dressing and Tailoring.

The startup kits were distributed to enable them to create their own businesses. 70 OVCs come from Nyamasheke District while the other 72 come from Karongi District.  After accomplishing a 6-month Technical and Vocational training and education in various domains, they also accomplished a 3-month internship.

In the startup kits handling ceremony held on 28th April 2024 in Nyamasheke District, Charles Dusabimana, the Private Sector Federation (PSF) representative in Nyamasheke District, told this youth that they have many opportunities to work as businessmen/women after getting the equipment, encouraging them to participate in many trainings provided by PSF and ask for advice (to PSF) whenever they need it.

Distribution of startup kits in Nyamasheke.

As for the Vice Mayor of Nyamasheke District in charge of social affairs, Mrs. Athanasie Mukankusi, she advised these young people to take care of the received startup kits, reminding them that it is an opportunity for them to improve themselves economically. She thanked Caritas Rwanda through the Igire-Gimbuka Program, for helping this youth get out extreme poverty.

Distribution of the startup kits by Mrs. Athanasie Mukankusi, the Vice Mayor in charge of social affairs and Vedaste Rutayisire, the Igire-Gimbuka program coordinator in Nyamasheke District.

The following table illustrates the vocational trainings and the relative number of OVCs by district:




Grand total
Female Male Total Female Male Total
Automotive Engine Technology

8 8 3 12 15


Bricks and Stone Masonry

2 2 1 1


Domestic Electricity

1 1


Fitting and Welding

5 5 9 15 24


Hair Dressing






1 53 30 1 31


Grand total


16 70 42 30 72



February 29, 2024

As a way of promoting integral human development, with funding from Caritas Internationalis and Caritas Australia, and technical support from Catholic Relief Services, Caritas Africa has trained its member organizations on Community Led Disaster Risk Management, from 27th to 29th February in Kigali.

This training of trainers was part of an ongoing capacity strengthening mechanism which Caritas Africa has prioritized in its 2024 – 2030 strategic framework, strategic orientation 3 (Saving lives and reduce the impact of humanitarian crisis in Africa Region) and strategic objective 3 (To strengthen the capacity of Caritas Africa Member Organizations in Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction – CMDRR).

In his opening remarks, Bishop Anaclet Mwumvaneza, President of Caritas Rwanda and Bishop of the Nyundo Diocese, mentioned that the Great Lakes region where Rwanda belongs, often faces several kinds of disasters, namely volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and landslides, floods, cyclones, drought, etc. As a humanitarian organization, Caritas intervenes to help people in need during serious humanitarian crises caused by all these disasters. “Thus, by combining our efforts, we can respond collectively and effectively to disasters and therefore rescue people in danger”, he said, in reference to this training.

Participants during CLDRM training.

As for Ms. Lucy Esipila, Regional Coordinator of Caritas Africa, Caritas Africa is carrying out such Disaster Risk Reduction training across all the zones because beyond emergencies/humanitarian work, there is need to build capacity of the communities affected so that they can withstand disaster shocks when affected. “We believe that if communities are resilient, then the impact of disasters can be minimized. To reach out to the communities, we rely upon you participants”, she said.

Ms. Episila added that Caritas Africa has successfully trained technical staff from the IMBISA zone and they are now implementing their action plans. IMBISA zone regroup Angola, Sao Tome & Principe, Kingdoms of eSwatini, Lesotho, Republics of Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

February 26, 2024
February 26, 2024

From 12th February 2024, at Centre Saint Paul de Kigali, Caritas Rwanda’s Igire-Gimbuka Program together with 3 other Igire Implementing Partners (IPs) funded by PEPFAR through USAID Rwanda, conducted an 11-day training of 24 people on Families Matter! Program. 9 of 24 candidates received their final certificates.

After a 6-day theoretical training on FMP, only 16 candidates were successful and have followed a 5-day practice week where 9 only were fully successful. Three of the rest received provisional certificates with the expectation to receive the final ones once some requirements are met.

This training was conducted with the  aim of increasing the number of the FMP facilitators in all OVC_DREAMS covered districts. Other IPs that joined Caritas in this activity are FXB, YWCA and DUHAMIC ADRI.

FMP training session.

After the training, the certified FMP facilitators will conduct FMP sessions for parents to empower parents/caregivers of OVC/AGYW on good parenting skills, discussions about sexuality and sexual education between parents and their children, that is evident to contribute to the prevention of new infections of HIV & GBV among adolescents (girls and boys) and young women from different IPs where the IGIRE is implemented.

As potential master trainers, the FMP facilitators received an in-depth knowledge about how Families Matter! Program works that prepares them to deliver the FMP Training of Trainers. The training comprises of series of sessions around theories used in FMP, the FMP Logic Model, trainer roles and responsibilities, working with a co-trainer, adult learning principles, effective communication skills among others.

In addition, the trainees learned the concept of reproductive health as applied in positive parenting between a parent and a child, a deep discussion and understanding of prevention of gender based violence among others.