On 24th and 25th March 2025, at the Centre Saint Vincent Pallotti Gikondo, Caritas Rwanda held its 28th General Assembly to assess the implementation of its 27th General Assembly recommendations (2024), to present the 2024 activity report and the 2025-2030 strategic plan, and to formulate the recommendations for 2025.
In his opening remarks, Bishop Anaclet Mwumvaneza, President of Caritas Rwanda and Bishop of the Nyundo Diocese, emphasised the need for combined efforts, especially in these times when humanitarian interventions are declining daily due to cuts and reductions in external funding. “We must therefore combine our efforts more than ever to increase our capacity to support the poor, showing them more of our charity,” he said. Bishop Anaclet added that charity without prayer risks becoming a philanthropy that quickly runs out of steam, as Pope Francis recalled during the celebration of the 8th World Day of the Poor on November 17, 2024.

The President of Caritas Rwanda took this opportunity to thank all Caritas across the country for celebrating this day (World Day of the Poor) in an impressive way and in communion and sharing with the poor in hospitals, Approved Catholic Health Facilities (FOSA), parishes, and all grassroots ecclesial communities.

Addressing the participants, Father Thomasz Gdula, the Secretary of the Nunciature, emphasized that throughout its history, Caritas has responded to major global crises while supporting structural changes to address the root causes of poverty. He thanked the national and international organisations, as well as the individuals of goodwill, who join forces with Caritas to help those most in need.

At the 28th General Assembly of Caritas Rwanda, the 2024 activity report, presented through four Caritas Rwanda’s departments (the Administration and Finance Department, the Social Welfare Department, Health Department and the Development Department), showed that all the activities had been successfully implemented.
During this General Assembly, it was announced that the total fundraising for the 2024 Charity Month is Rwf 164,534,676. The Diocesan Caritas of Ruhengeri came in first place with Rwf 35,197,623 of contributions, followed by the Diocesan Caritas of Cyangugu, which raised Rwf 21,313,555.
Recommendations for 2025
Among the recommendations of the 28th General Assembly of Caritas Rwanda are strengthening synergy between the various commissions of the C.E.R., collaboration and synergy between Caritas Rwanda and all Episcopal Commissions and services working in Integral Human Development, as well as strengthening resource mobilization strategies and exploring new innovative actions to increase equity towards the organization’s sustainability.

There is also the operationalization of prison chaplaincy at all levels, the inculcation of an audit culture at Caritas levels and Approved Health Facilities (FOSA), the diversification of strategies to increase the Month of Charity Month fundraisings, the ensuring that each FOSA has a chapel to facilitate the spiritual care of the sick and their families, as well as the strengthening of the awareness of Caritas spirit in its areas of intervention (Social Welfare, Health, and Development).

The 28th General Assembly of Caritas Rwanda was also an opportunity to welcome the President of Missio Invest, Father Andrew Small, who gave a brief presentation on the various funding opportunities offered by this organization for entrepreneurial development initiatives led by the Catholic Church with a view to financial autonomy.