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Yearly Archives: 2025

January 25, 2025

Caritas Rwanda Family, gathering 10 diocesan Caritas and National level joined in a two-day reporting workshop on January 23-24, 2025, at Centre d’Accueil Bonne Esperance Kicukiro, in a preparation of the forthcoming General Assembly of Caritas Rwanda scheduled March 25-26, 2025. The workshop was characterized by the commitment and active participation of all members of the network as testified by Head of Administration and Finance department, Head of Health Department, Social Welfare and Development Departments’ Representatives in their feedback remarks.

Closing the session, Father Oscar KAGIMBURA, Secretary General of Caritas Rwanda expressed his gratitude to all participants. “Getting well prepared will allow shortening the Geneal Assembly from two days to one in the future”, he said. The departments were reminded to keep joining hands in mobilizing more resources, maintaining existing and new partners satisfied through clear and transparent communication, creating more and more trust.

The new Caritas Rwanda Strategic Plan 2025-2030 will allow us to continue supporting those in need to improve their lives. Father Oscar stressed the importance of being always ready to intervene in case of emergencies and reminded participants of the pending approval of the “Preparedness Plan” inviting concerned persons to work on it as quick as possible. “This is the work of all Caritas departments as emergencies affect all your plans”, said the Secretary General. Participants were reminded of supporting Rwandans to achieve their integral development through informing them of existing opportunities, supporting them to access services they offer among others. Departments were mandated to synergize with other Episcopal Conference Commissions and Services, development should explore ways to support Catholic Church decentralized resources to significantly contribute to the increase of agricultural and animal production towards food security and access to food, leveraging existing warehouses and other postharvest processing infrastructures.

January 10, 2025

On 9th January 2024, Caritas Rwanda in collaboration with the Burera District officially inaugurated the Rwabageni Nurturing Care Hub, constructed with funds from the Dennis and Jane Reese Foundation, in Kiringa Cell, Kagogo Sector, Burera District in the Western Province of Rwanda. This NCH will help 80 children access early childhood education at village level.

Apart from fostering early childhood education, the Rwabageni NCH will serve as one stop site for community nutrition interventions supported by USAID Gikuriro Kuri Bose program to fight against stunting among young children.

During the Rwabageni NCH inauguration, the guests visited two classrooms of Children aged (3-4 years) and (5-6 years) and observed how the community with the USAID Gikuriro Kuri Bose support is improving Early learning, Positive parenting education, Child Play and stimulation, and disability inclusion.

Guests visiting the 5-6 years classroom and singing with them.

Father Oscar Kagimbura, the Secretary General of Caritas Rwanda expressed their gratitude to the Dennis and Jane Reese Foundation for funding the Rwabageni NCH initiative and urged parents to take ownership of the NCH to ensure its sustainability.

As for Mrs. Mukamana Soline, Mayor of Burera District, the Rwabageni NCH initiative falls within the national Early Childhood Development (ECD) strategy, which attempts to promote children’s development from conception to age six. “As local leaders, we prefer sustainable initiatives rather than those that end with projects, said Mayor Mukamana Soline.

Aron James, representing the Dennis and Jane Reese Foundation in the ceremony, thanked local authorities for their cooperation and expressed his delight in seeing parents actively participating in NCH activities. He also pledged continued collaboration to support the initiative.

Aron James, who represented the Dennis and Jane Reese Foundation in the Rwabageni NCH official inauguration.

This event was also a good opportunity to raise awareness on fighting against the stunting among young children. In her speech, Dr. Umurungi Serubibi Yvonne, Chief of Party for the USAID Gikuriro Kuri Bose Program, reminded the participating mothers that they must conducted 8 ANC standard visits during pregnancy, breastfeed their children for 6 months without any supplements, and after 6 months, start giving them a balanced diet as instructed.

During the inauguration, the children were provided with nutritious meal.