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Her life was transformed thanks to the SILC group’s internal loan

Mukashema Patricie is a single mom from the Rusizi district, whose life changed thanks to the internal loans from her savings group following a training facilitated by Caritas Cyangugu through the PEES program implemented by the Gikongoro and Cyangugu Dioceses under the coordination and technical support of Caritas Rwanda.

“I used to waste money but after joining the Abisunze Mariya savings group after the training, I borrowed Rwf 25,000 to purchase a piglet, sold it when it was grown, and then purchased another,” she said. She began raising and selling pigs this way.

To sell the harvest, she also took out loans to rent a sugarcane field and buy a tea farm. In addition, Patricie purchased a sewing machine, learned how to sew, and now sews to earn money. With all these businesses, Patricie earns at least Frw 150,000 per month.

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