PEES (Programme d’encadrement Economique et social des jeunes vulnérables des dioceses de Cyangugu et de Gikongoro), is a Secours Catholique / Caritas France funded program (2023-2026), aiming to improve the livelihood of vulnerable young people from 19 parishes of Gikongoro Diocese and 21 parishes of Cyangugu Diocese. The program is implemented by Caritas Cyangugu and Caritas Gikongoro, under the coordination and technical support of Caritas Rwanda. The intervention logic is as follows:
The program will reach 2,654 new young people, in addition to the 2,601 young people reached in the previous program, according to the following distribution :
Project Impact
For the new SILC groups, 981 members from Cyangugu and 252 members in Gikongoro are engaged in income-generating activities, representing 69.9% and 20% of their membership, respectively. Among them, 278 young people from Cyangugu and 67 from Gikongoro have opened accounts in the microfinance institutions (MFIs), representing 19.8% and 5.36% of the members in each locality. As for the older SILC groups, all members in both dioceses engage in income-generating activities. Additionally, 857 members in Cyangugu and 524 in Gikongoro have opened accounts in the microfinance institutions, representing 72.9% and 36.72% of the members in each diocese, respectively.