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With the joint support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and Caritas Slovenia, Caritas Rwanda and Caritas Nyundo/Kibuye are implementing in Karongi district of Rwanda a three-year project titled “Tube Aheza, Amazi Hafi”. The project is related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets to help its beneficiaries to access clean water and train them on efficient use of natural resources which leads to food security. The project is being implemented in the four sectors of Karongi District namely: Mutuntu, Gashari, Rwankuba, and Rugabano.

The project Tube Aheza, Amazi Hafi supports, across all the aforementioned sectors, 1,450 vulnerable households which are in the first and second categories of the social-economic category commonly referred to as the “Ubudehe program”. The project’s expected outcomes are: to provide citizens with adequate water infrastructures; help youth and adult beneficiaries to have access to financial services; and improve the households’ agro pastoral practices toward sustainable food security.

Tube Aheza Amazi Hafi project is impacting lives of the beneficiaries. As the project aims to improve the economic status of the target group, this could not be achieved without strengthening their economic capacity. Through the established 58 saving and lending groups, 1, 450 beneficiaries from 29 local communities (50 per each) of whom 70% are women were trained on elaborating business plans. This helped them to start small income-generating activities, which strengthened the role of women and girls within their families. Equally, the project distributed small animals ranging from pigs, goats, and sheep, as animal husbandry is associated with manure production used to improve vegetable production through kitchen gardening. This has significantly contributed to the improvement of the family diet.

In addition, the project has rehabilitated the two water supply systems of Twandage-Birambo in Gashari sector and Rutoyi-Manji in Mutuntu sector. To be able to use small lands and different agricultural techniques to obtain a sufficient yield, the project trained the beneficiaries on good agricultural farming practices through Farmer Field Learning School (FFLS).

The project’s achievements and the expected ones are fruits of the strong collaboration of local authorities from the district to the village level, the coordination of Caritas, the technical staff of Caritas Nyundo/ Kibuye, the beneficiaries, and all those who are committed to improving the well-being of poor people.

Tube Aheza, Amazi Hafi Project was launched after the completion of Ngira Nkugire Project, an eco-friendly project that was implemented by Caritas Nyundo/Kibuye under the coordination of Caritas Rwanda from January 1st, 2018 till November 10th, 2020. The implementation of the Ngira Nkugire project led to tremendous achievements and improvements in lives of beneficiaries and called for a continued collaboration along the Tube Aheza, Amazi Hafi journey.

Water kiosk


Training on Business Plan Elaboration
Lending and Saving groups


Training on good agricultural practice